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Everything posted by tWc|WhiteyFord

  1. i will unban when i get back to my house, my cousin just got back from iraq, so i will probably be at his house exchanging war stories for awhile. if another admin wants to unban him then that is fine with me. but i will be watching linji, sorry i said loser to you but i did not shoot you in anyway, your response to team killing me is ridiculous and you should really think twice before you take actions like that. anything else out of you at all and i will ban you for good. thanks
  2. hey guys just sending a quick hello to all my fellow cs players. i hope everyone is doing well. i am fine here in kirkuk iraq. i am still alive and kicking. just got a quick second to sneak on to a computer and wanted to send a shout out. cant wait to be back at home and tearing it up on some cs, i see there have been some changes since i have left. well i should be home in a few months. you guys and gals take it easy. remember my words "yall better rush or i will break your legs." ssgt morgan aka whiteyford
  3. i loved that game when i was younger, that was the first game i ever played on the ole telephone line dial up aol.
  4. the plazma one looks sick, then again i love the color blue.
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  6. i just miss the old days when people would play as a team, i miss that
  7. why play anything else? when you can own noobs in css.
  8. well i watch movies on a 50 inch sony lcd tv. regulard dvds just dont look good to me anymore, i tend to buy movies now on blueray because it looks so much better. there is really no comparision between a progressive scan dvd player at 480 when you can watch a movie in 1080i or 1080p. enough said.
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  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. dang rebirth of an old post, i am actually a cyborg tuna fish
  15. your in chief, pm for private password
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  17. i will watch you cable guy and we will let you know. keke buddy
  18. i will be home wed night, i got leave for thursday and friday so i will be on for some late night css. cant wait to check out the new map. kudos roguey poo
  19. i love watching blue ray movies on my 50 inch xsrd sony tv. regular dvds just dont compare anymore. this was one of the main reasons i bought the ps3 was for the great deal on the blue ray. however i love video games too, well yall know that. anyways thanks fox, oh and i was curious i already beat nfs carbon so i need a new game. is that resistance game anygood? well should have my new system in a few days. i cant wait cause i got the punisher on blue ray and cant wait to check it out in hd.
  20. tight balla, i love my new ride as well.
  21. they are sending me a new one. if anyone wanted to know.
  22. got one, the thing was sick before this silly problem, blue rays are awesome on the 50 inch tube.
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