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Packing up, only a few days before I head off to ye olde Yellowstone again for the summer. So excited!
Don't get blown up by the Super Volcano.
Shaft if the super volcano goes off, everyone's going down. I'm just going down in a blaze of glory first!
I hope i get back to Yellowstone park someday
I guess its changed a little from 1981
The Black Keys and White Stripes should form a band, they can call it piano.
Ha! Good one!
That would actually be interesting, I think.
Finally got to putting my photos from NZ on flickr
Under the sea men marry fish. I know, I know, oh, oh, oh!
Finally back in the great ol' states, goodbye New Zealand. Hopefully we'll reuinite one day
*high fives*
North or South Island or both?
Just the South Island. Well I flew into Auckland but only had a layover there before flying into Christchurch. A
New Zealand, here I come!
That sounds awesome, have fun. Bring us back souvenirs!
you back yet? I would love to go to New Zeland, I here it is a great place the the peeps are really friendly
Keep on keeping on
Kitten mittens, you'll be smitten!
Hopefully everyone had an awesome single's awareness day
Allanon I love you. <3
Allanon Smells.