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Everything posted by Tek-Almighty

  1. Lol...I am still running my 2 year old e8400 and it is pretty good. Since I use my compy for gaming and internet, don't need much more than that for now. I got mine for an incredible (back then) $189. 2 Years later, they are about same price. Hard drives, on the other hand...
  2. If you google "sky burial" and "Tibet" you will see some pretty graphic pictures of how the buddhists there "bury" their dead. Way to return your empty vessel to the universe. Caution, some sights have very graphic and NSFW images.
  3. That's not "mountain biking," those are constructed jumps and obstacles, spaced so the riders can land perfectly. It's a dirt track in the woods. I must have mountain-biked a thousand miles in the Appalachians...and those were the old school trails you're talking about FK. Even if you had run one half a dozen times, you had no idea what was coming up. We had a trail we'd run called "suicide machine." It kept eroding, so if you ran it a month ago, you may not be aware of the new 5 foot drop around the next corner, all the while traveling at 15-20 mph. We had this dude on our team named Crazy Geoff. He was ejected from his saddle at speed on that trail, and the only thing that survived was him and his rear wheel/tire...it even split his helmet in half, bent his front wheel and fork, and bend his frame. We couldn't believe his neck wasn't broken.
  4. guru3d tested top cards (AMD 5890 and NVidia 480) with Crysis warhead at 1920 x 1200, gamer settings (high) 2xMSAA, and still only got like 61 fps. Unless they optimize, this engine will destroy current tech and it will be another 3 years before we can get a rig able to play this. lulz...by then there won't even be PC games anymore.
  5. Been playing L4D2 with what time I have, which ain't much. Started to play Bioshock 2, but anything with a storyline and development (progressive level up stuff) is hard when you work 60 hours a week and have to play Mr. mom at night. I play L4D2 for the "duh" factor. I can just pick up a beer, turn on the game and mindlessly (pun intended) blow the heads off zombies. I wish a UT2k4 community would blossom again...man those were goooooooooood times.
  6. been listening to him for a couple of years. a mexican friend of mine turned me on to him...Rodridgo, that is...
  7. Canada getting pwned in Hockey.
  8. Hilarious...RL results of playing too much MW2. NSFW language:
  9. Gracias amigo! I've already had a pm concerning FO3 and FEAR. Not gonna turn this into an auction amongst bros, so first reasonable offers get the goods. BTW. I never did like FO3, didn't even finish after 54 hours of main quest and (mostly) side missions. BUT, lots of folks loved it.
  10. I played Crysis and L4D on my PC attached via HDMI to my 42" 120hz LCD...res set at 1920 x 1200. Not that impressed. Of course, I was sitting 3 feet away. I'll take my 24" Dell at that same resolution for better textures any day.
  11. I have Fallout 3 I have Oblivion and Shivering Isles (expansion) I have Quake 4 I have Fear (Perseus mandate) I have COD 1 I have some others I can't remember. Contact me with a $$ if you want, otherwise, GameStop here I come! I will ship as cheap as possible (usually $3 in the USA).
  12. Well thanks to Bush, I finally got 3DMark vantage up and running. I have Windows 7RC1 up (free!) so there may be some issues with that, but at least I can post the "latest" bench tool scores. P12360 3DMarks CPU Score 33349 Graphics Score 10216 That is running 4GB of DDR2, C2D e8400 @ 3.4 ghz, GTX 260 core 216 @ 660 core and 2100 mem. I am going to go back to my 2.6 OC of my proc. and see what it gets me. More later. If I am a good boy, then this summer, I will rebuild with i7 920, new DDR3, and a new GPU. *crosses fingers.
  13. I think it was a one day thing. I posted as soon as I found out (check the hot deals section on Hardocp forums). Still there, but now $119...so my opinion, if you really need storage and external option (which I did) it is worth it.
  14. Went to a chili-themed party. I had: black-bean espresso mole chili, pork tomatillo chili, and my own neighborhood grown beef, nuclear assault 3-bean chili. dessert: homemade baklava and fruit trifle. Then there were the requisites like chips and salsa etc...
  15. This is why hardware specs and tape measures were invented!
  16. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.340884 Pulled the trigger on this. Basically $158 worth of storage (1.5TB) and external dock for $105. Darn you newegg! *breaks open piggy bank (daughter's)
  17. Funny you should say. I took pics of every step and have then on my compy in order. So, got that covered. However (and this is the 2nd laptop I've replaced or fixed mobo on) I broke 2 of the plastic cable clips that connect one component to another. And...I think at least 3 of the key screws are stripped. p.s. Just found out that she had the screen, mobo, and hdd replaced already. HOLY S*** who built this crappy mobo? Shame on you HP.
  18. Why isn't this a poll? I am a teacher of 13.5 years. I teach HS science, and have also taught part time at a community college for 6 years. In spare time, I do ecosystem restoration for the the state. I am a federally certified wildfire fighter, and frequently set fire to scores of acres of prairie, savanna, and woodland in order to maintain ecostatic balance. Oh, most importantly, I have a wife and one-year old. I have a mother battling cancer and a father in the early stages of hereditary dementia. So I will enjoy each day as it comes. We are one diverse and interesting group...whom, I appreciate more and more. It's been nice corresponding with firefly via FB. if anyone wants to contact me.... www.facebook.com/fuse_of_ire or just search Tekmet
  19. My 1 year old still loves milk from bags. Mods: Can someone please embed correctly for me. Gawd, being sleep deprived is fun.
  20. I bought a LG LCD HDTV last June, on closeout. I got it for 33% of retail. Good TV, great pic. Never had anything like it before. Got a samsung blu-ray, but kept my orig amplifier. My wife and I had literal headaches from the 120hz 1080p picture on the blu-ray; it rocked hard, specially on newer movies. However...I've found that most of the newer movies on blu-ray don't have plain old Dolby 5.1...They've got Dolby True HD 5.1 or whatever...so my amp ends up playing them in pro-logic or some other 15 year old crap...sounds horrible. The lesson. Get a compatible amp...even if it is not really $$$. It will be worth the $3-400.
  21. So, I inherited a HP DV9000 laptop from my aunt. It is 2 years old and had some great specs...except it has graphics issues. Huge artifacting and such...even when connected to external monitor. So I do a crap ton of research and learn that there was a massive recall in 2008 of these because of gpu and chipset probs. Well, my aunt was dealing with my uncle's death at the time, so...missed that window. I have completely disassembled the laptop and now have (4 million screws later) a naked mobo. I've read forums and watched youtube vids...but do any of you have experience with reflowing the solder on a gpu or laptop mobo? Thanks
  22. Why didn't I know this...? Better yet, why don't we do this. Gawd, USA is so backa$$ward. <embed src="http://cdn.springboard.gorillanation.com/storage/xplayer/dv001.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="324" swliveconnect="true" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" flashvars="e=4bffc0037b3a3a4e308b2443d9f87c24c20c213cc47f099a102cf8ca4450577c3179b891c2e2316d4250ccef6e262228c8c8a7bfe9e187caae9e12cc193aa45d70a2d56368a3c471&width=400&height=324&autostart=true&allowscriptaccess=always&usefullscreen=true&autoscroll=true&thumbsinplaylist=true&esnapshot=4dfed81f&trueurl=http://www.doubleviking.com/videos/page0.html/how-canadians-drink-milk-12683.html"></embed> *someone fix my embed
  23. I gave up L4D and replaced with L4D2. I've been playing that at least a couple nights a week. If you ever get a good L4D game up and need someone and you see me on...invite. I'm either tekmet, tekmet.gc, or right now Peerless.
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