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Everything posted by TheFirstMonk

  1. Whenever I try to play at night (the only time I really can), they're always doing "maintenance" or something like that. The site usually comes back after or around midnight (CST) in my experience. I haven't tried during the day, so maybe that's a better time.
  2. Lol, after 3 more additional defeats in the last hour... one of which you performed. http://thefirstmonk.mybrute.com/fight/90744164 So that makes 12 in a row.
  3. Another 9 streak loss. Waiting for tomorrow to see if I can break my own record.
  4. TheFirstMonk

    UPS sucks

    Yeah, that was my first thought. Stealing mail is generally regarded as a federal offense (at least the last time I checked). It would suck for that kid if the opened boxes were found in his trash. >.> i didn't say call the cops on him. I would, but that's just me.
  5. TheFirstMonk

    UPS sucks

    Yeah, that was my first thought. Stealing mail is generally regarded as a federal offense (at least the last time I checked). It would suck for that kid if the opened boxes were found in his trash.
  6. Nice work, Sedah. That 22 inch monitor...I needs one now.
  7. Read this on IGN last night: http://pc.ign.com/articles/975/975689p1.html Should have some insight into those screenshots Tek posted.
  8. Lol, that was an epic strategy. I recently fought another fighter with a bear; it did not go well at all. I need a mace/flail like yours. I wish I could post that fight I had against a fighter who had 2 dogs. I wasted all three, but they won't show old fights that disappear off your page.
  9. We got "America's Got Talent," but the only thing that show has in common with this one is the male judge, Piers Morgan. I'm pretty sure our version stank. I watched her video 2 or 3 days ago too, and the television shows won't stop talking about it unfortunately. I think it was more of her voice when she spoke in comparison to how she sang that confused me. I actually didn't pay attention to how she appeared or how old she was.
  10. Nightling, is that a keyboard in your weapon stash? Lol, how does that work? In other news, I'm getting beat most of the time now. If I pick someone with low health or lower stats than mine, they usually have like a dog or 5 weapons in their stash or a mega awesome skill. If I pick someone who is at my health level or equal stats, they basically outlive me or crush me with a hammer. Plus, my dude keeps throwing his weapons away...idiot.
  11. Lol, the first thing I thought of when I saw that picture was that he was holding a kazoo, although that's equally as strange as a pot pipe.
  12. Heh, nice way to burn up some time. Played Caligula (or something like that) on Adult Swim a long time ago. That's all about collecting weapons and mauling people.
  13. I saw this clip once before, but I seem to have forgotten about the advertisement of CS Online. Erg. I did hear about a Japanese version of Counterstrike that was modified a bit from the original a while back called Counterstrike Neo. It supposedly punished campers and such and encouraged teamwork using a point system of some kind. I forget the specifics though. It also had a different look to it in terms of models and graphics. This is unrelated to Counterstrike Online, but nightling's article reminded me of it. 0:35- that CT got owned by one heckuva grenade...or mine.
  14. Lol, on Easter Sunday. Shoulda added that they'll put you down with one bullet too.
  15. Anyone else having a slow connection to the mybrute website? It takes forever to load, or it doesn't load at all for me. On the bright side, my luck is changing slightly; I ended my losing streak of 9 in a row and beat 2 people in the arena and 4 people in the tournament so far (probably will fail after the 5th one, but oh well). Too bad I'm not getting anything out of the tournament wins.
  16. ...I've lost 9 fights in a row now. If you need to level up, you can use me as a punching bag.
  17. Just got the junk beaten out of me 3 times in a row. Lame.
  18. Not surprised, but still a sad event.
  19. Same for me. Bioshock was one of the few games that actually compelled me to play through it. With Half Life 1 (and now Half Life 2), I played a little bit, put it aside for a couple years, then finished it. Great games, but I guess I wasn't drawn into the story or feel of it as much as Bioshock. *POSSIBLE SPOILERS FROM TRAILER* Looks like you play a Big Daddy (or the previous protagonist in Big Daddy armor, depending on if we saw the prequel or sequel footage) in Bioshock 2. Check out the sweet rivet gun and drill. It also looks like we may revisit Cohen's lair, considering the enemies we see in the second part of the clip. We may also be dealing with a rogue Big Daddy in the first part of the clip, except Tenenbaum refers to it as a "she;" this development may point to why Big Daddies are only male and not female. EDIT: Watched the clip again. The female Big Daddy is a Big Sister apparently. And even though the second part of the clip shows Fontaine Futuristics as the locale, I still think the enemies you fight resemble Cohen's footsoldiers: bunny ears and some plastered Splicers. *END POSSIBLE SPOILERS FROM TRAILER*
  20. TheFirstMonk


    Happy Birthday.
  21. Lol, we now know what Half Life 2 would have looked like if it had been written by random people on the Internet...an even more bizarre storyline with many grammatical errors and misspellings. Good job with Garry's Mod though.
  22. My lvl 1 guy has a sword but I fought against a lvl1 girl and she had a cat and by the time they killed me she still had 40% health left. Discouraging. http://treesap.mybrute.com Yeah, I thought that animal companion thing was kinda cheap when I first saw it. Luckily, I schooled a fighter who had one. http://thefirstmonk.mybrute.com/fight/12837524 Lol, he's creating a lot of pupils for us and himself. Thanks, dweezil.
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