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Everything posted by Garychios

  1. Jackie should buff one. And not tell anyone. Then buff the other, and not tell anyone. Keep doing it. LOL Or make it that one shotgun does immense damage to only a tank. Then use strategy with it.
  2. Nice Work Jackie. Is it possible a boomer has more health? Also can we do something with Jockies like maybe more health and cannot be meled or jump higher by lets say 15%
  3. This is sooo going to be a cluster you know what.
  4. Architect and Peanut going for a ride. http://cop-car.littlethings.com/cop-car-karaoke/?utm_content=buffer9d71f&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_source=sungazing&utm_campaign=PFPost
  5. Played last night with Biggs and two of his Friends. Lots of fun. Power leveled me to 68 in 1 hr. Cant believe it. Amazing.
  6. * *Worth:* $1702 ($536 with sales) * *Games owned:* 127 * *Games not played:* 56 **(44%)** * *Hours on record:* 5,938.9h
  7. OK, my wife sees this. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  8. Pheww.. I am clear. I think I spent like $500.
  9. I love that option. Maybe a 2 tier upgrade costing 50 pts total.
  10. Was too far ahead. This was multiple times. Please follow rules.
  11. I7 4930 $400 (580 new) Gigabyte x79-ud3 $100 ($200 new) Corsair Memory $100 ($150 new) Contact me. Thanks All is about a year old. Still carries Manufacturers warranty.
  12. Flitter, L4d2 is the best game of all time. BEST!!!
  13. You kept rushing to the next high pt of the roller coaster, and I kept telling you are your team to stop rushing when players were far back. Please don't rush in the future. Your ban should be expired by now.
  14. Admins have a couple of ways to track games and communicate. We have hundreds of demos too. We have watched things over and over. Discussions of players and situations are all archived. Just for the record. You may not remeber your offense, but we do. Mumble is just a tool during the game.
  15. Im still playing. I am in the GC clan, so its easy to find me. I am paragon lvl 407 for those looking to do Rifts. Actually, looking to do KW and Ubers. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/GARYCHIOS-1346/hero/23025290 Also, my Hunter guy is at 2.4 Mill DPS stacked, freaking awesome. Thats all the time. The Profile shows 1.1 or something.
  16. The servers have been really busy. Last couple of weekends, the servers have been full with members waiting for a open spot. Even a couple of times during the week its been full. That means we are doing something right as a community. Jackie doing his magic, Peanut Upholding the law, Mercman running custom nights, Johnny recording everything and other admins doing much more. While we all love playing L4D2, I am seeing a few people breaking rules to my surprise, Things like cursing, rushing and being rude to players from anyone, especially members will not be tolerated. In addition, stacking games is another big NO-NO, even allowing a stack to occur for multiple rounds while the score is 400 to 4000 shows a lack of respect for the players loosing and my biggest pet peave. Also, we admins dont have to do anything with warns or kicks when we see repeat offenders. Some admins can and are more lenient than others. Some warn, some kick and some ban right away. Please realize, we have warned everyone over and over, especially members about the rules, but to my surprise, people playing here a while, even members continue to tread a fine line. If you think it may be rushing, then fall back and don't rush. If you think you will get PM about language, then dont use those words or cool off. If you antogonize players, dont do it, you will be banned! If you are frustrated with the round, leave a take a breather. We want the game to be enjoyable for new players as well including the hardcore seasoned players. Have fun and game on. -Turbo.
  17. good thing is, New Comp and New card are cheap these days.
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