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Everything posted by ctrlfrk

  1. Thank you! All paid up. Do I need to give my steam ID again? it's STEAM_1:1:2228354
  2. Hi @crasx can you please reset my one too? Edit: That ping might not have worked... @crasx
  3. At the start of the game the limits are: Boomer 3/5 Spitter 2/5 Smoker 3/5 Hunter 3/5 Charger 2/5 Jockey 3/5 That's 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 16 for a total of 10 players. For the most part this is fine and no-one ups the limits except on levels that need lots of chargers or spitters. My suggestion is twofold: 1) Make it random which SI gets which limit, so it's not always spitter/charger that are 2/5 (obviously both teams would have to get the same random set on any given map, but it could change between chapters) 2) Change it so that instead of [3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2], the limits come from a pool of [5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1] The total is still 16, but one of the SI you get in abundance, and another you only get 1 of (at least till the limit is upped) I think this would make for some interesting games, and would also lead to the SI limit increase thing being more important early on.
  4. I hate making config files that precisely match the menus... How about we compromise and you just make it an sm_dothething command?
  5. This isn't about hordes. It's passive spawning. The guys who are just standing around idly as you move through the level.
  6. EDIT: This isn't about the horde mechanic. It's about the commons that just spawn naturally, standing around idly as you move through the level. The new swat team hordes have inspired me to repost this suggestion from a few years back. I think it would be quite neat to have an upgrade that replaces 5% of the commons that spawn naturally with specific uncommons, permanently. Similar to what happens on some maps but for any map. Possibly with tiers. My suggested tiers would be: (10 points) CEDA presence. (5% of all common spawns are replaced by CEDA hazmat workers (10 points) SWAT presence. (5% of all common spawns are replaced by SWAT members. (10 points) Mud presence. (5% of all common spawns are replaced by mud people. (50 points) CEDA invasion. (25% of all common spawns are replaced by CEDA hazmat workers) (50 points) SWAT invasion. (25% of all common spawns are replaced by SWAT members) (50 points) Mud invasion. (25% of all common spawns are replaced by mud people) And just for fun: (50 points) Here comes Jimmy! (Jimmy Gibbs Junior appears, and respawns somewhere every time you kill him (ie: he is always alive, somewhere.)) Maybe this could be bought multiple times. I imagine getting mud people on hard rain would be quite amusing.
  7. Can you make a 10 point 'fake' tank that only has 1HP and does 0 damage with rock throws?
  8. I vote no. Getting a pin is really important as infected, and having the survivors able to just press a button to get rid of it negates that. You also need to consider that the high value pins are the good players, the ones that are most likely to have 10 points spare. If this change goes ahead then you won't want to target good players anymore because they'll just buy out of your pin. Personally I think that the !heal command causing instant pickup is already a little too good because of how it allows skilled survivors to shrug off any attempts at focusing them down.
  9. Yeah OBS can record directly to your harddrive, it also lets you use better quality settings that way. Twitch doesn't like you setting the data bandwidth too high
  10. You appear to have the perfect disposition for this job Peanut, so I'm glad you're doing it. Please allow a little bit of drama though because it makes for good reading while I'm at work.
  11. What is this an announcement of an upcoming announcement?
  12. I'm in NZ, so sometimes I'm forced to play 1v0 vs bots Boomers become pretty good.
  13. L4D2 is a bit of a 'fall back' game for me when I don't have anything else I feel like playing. Unfortunately a whole bunch of EA games have caught my attention so I've been playing those every night. I still come to the forums though to keep up with developments. Steamcharts seems to show a downward trend in overall L4D2 active users which isn't great: http://steamcharts.com/app/550
  14. How about making it so you can't earn points while you're a tank? You could probably even drop the price down then... like 30 points
  15. Clay pigeon: As infected, get killed midair 3 spawns in a row. Clutch heal: As infected, !heal yourself when you're at less than 10% health while pinning a survivor. Rocky: As survivor, kill 15 commons while under the effect of melee fatigue from bashing too much.
  16. There has only been one unban request in the last 2 and a half months, and only 2 more if you go back another two months before that. How am I meant to get my daily intake of salt if I can't come here to read misbehaving youth be forced to own up to their transgressions in a public forum? I used to visit this site almost daily to read the juicy exploits of newcomers to the server. I refuse to believe that the playerbase is actually reforming, so there must be something else at play. Either the admins need to start being more aggressive in their banning and ban lengths, or we need to start some sort of recruitment drive to bring more badly behaved players to the server. I remain hopeful that the upcoming Christmas steam sale will bring an influx of new players, but I'd hate to see the banned forum become nothing more than a seasonal event.
  17. Do you have stats on that? I'm curious how many members don't actually play on the servers.
  18. Does it retain your progress in the various achievements?
  19. Hi InspectorCallahan, I was the guy who originally made those aliases you're using. The problem of the menu remaining onscreen is a tricky one because it seems to require timing things perfectly. There was a comment at the top of the original config file that kind of explained it, but basically the `wait 123; slot10` is ping dependent and was meant to be changed by the person using the config using find/replace. The value of 123 was pretty high because I have a 200ms+ ping on these servers. You can try change it down to `wait 10;` or so and see if that helps you. You can also try changing `slot10` to `menuselect 0` Let me know how you get on.
  20. I quite like the concept of Hordes/Witches on survivor respawns but it seems to happen so seldom these days (possibly because everyone has bound a key to sm_heal at this point.)
  21. What about instead of a limit you put a timer on it so you can only buy 1 fireworks every 10 minutes or so? Kinda like a restock timer. ("You cannot buy this item again for another 3:22 minutes") You could take it further and have the timer start off really low but increase as more players buy fireworks. That way if all 10 people are buying fireworks the cooldowns will be 10 minutes, but if only 5 people are buying then the cooldown will be 5 minutes.
  22. My main problem with hunters is the people who spam them when we need spitters/chargers to try hold back their advance. What I'd like to see is: 1) Change max points for a high pounce to 7.5. 2) Add in 5 point achievements for the first 2 high pounces per player. (So the first 2 high pounces will give 12.5 points total, same as now.) That way a high pounce spammer would get the following point progression: 0 -> 12.5 -> 25 -> 32.5 -> 40 -> 47.5-> 55. Meaning 6 high pounces for a tank (compared to the current 4)
  23. Everyone loves suggestion threads, so here is one for you to argue over. 1) Disabling the survivor buy menu during a purchased horde event. (This was prompted by Jackie mentioning that he could disable bile purchase during tanks, so I assumed this could work too) At the moment no-one buys hordes because they're terrible and just feed the survivors points. With this change hordes would become incredible tactical tools. You could buy hordes during tanks to stop the enemy from biling/molotiving. You could buy it during the elevator rides to stop them from getting explosive rounds. You could even use it to capitalise on the survivors having a particularly bad engagement. I'm not sure whether it should also disable things like the 15 point !heal, that feels like it would be going too far. 2) Make infected always drop a present/gift when they suicide (through the buy menu.) I'm not sure if this would be a nerf or a buff to infected. On one hand I've noticed some of the more adept members will spend all game high pouncing, and if they miss they immediately suicide to avoid giving any points. This would nerf that. But it will also allow infected to put presents in potentially dangerous areas, leading greedy survivors into kill zones. Please tell me your feeeeelings.
  24. I don't really like that idea, it's nice to get the 2 points you need to buy up when you're lying incapped after taking a car to the face >< Mechanics that spread points out over the whole team instead of having them all go to the few 'good' people are a nice way to ease new players into the mod.
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