I'm going to be honest here, I don't retain a lot of friends online. It's just not me to form weak relationships.
I want to apologize for my outrageous behavior earlier today. I have sinned.
I don't know what came over me, but I did something really unacceptable.
My friends mess around with Mercman for whatever reason. Maybe because he seems like he doesn't mind most of the time and they are friends with him.
I thought it would be funny to use an alt account that I don't play on anymore and change my name and picture to Mercman's and post on my friends profile.
I had no intentions of joining GC or acting like the real Mercman in-game, I don't even use that account to play on. Also, my friends knew that I was the fake one by the language I used. I posted lyrics from Wiz Khalifa's song "Raw" as a joke on Dhun's profile.
We all know that Mercman is a gentleman in game, never cursing or using foul language. This is part of the joke, because we all know Mercman would never post such a message on someones profile.
My intentions were never to hurt anyone or even tarnish the name of Mercman, but just messing around with my friends to see their reactions.
I have nothing against Mercman and I'm sorry that I offended him.
I have changed my steam profile picture and name on that alt account and have no intentions of using it again.
I will never pretend to be Mercman again, no matter how difficult it may be.
I beg you all to review this ban and consider giving me a 2nd chance.
I already miss GC, I miss the feeling the warmth of Mercman's moist smoker tongue around my torso, strangling me to death while my team doesn't look back.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I will respect your decision either way.
-Thug aka sox aka Muddy Waters