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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. But you already get enough points. At least the suicide option gives others a chance to die on their own terms.
  2. I'm guessing server 2 will be full because the idea of having a custom map is exciting to everyone. I don't think anyone needs to worry about server 2 filling up because it will be full. However, the real question is: Will anyone else be there for server 1 (in case server 2 DOES get too full)?
  3. Adding all-talk, and a scramble after every round? We could still do that on non-custom maps
  4. Nah, you won't be banned for smoking. Merc smokes too and it's totally legal. So you're safe
  5. You know what? That's a good idea you got there. That way, you won't have teammates messing up your aim with the screen shaking while they're shooting through you. Maybe then, you'll be able to clear the Special Infected faster than your teammates can. It's crazy how the teammate shooting through you does the damage on the SI, but not you that's doing most of the blasting on your target. It'd be nice if the screen didn't shake when you're being shot at, and if the aim wasn't being affected by your own teammate. I'm glad you mentioned the push-back effect when your teammates are walking through you and around you. There's nothing like crossing that small wooden plank in the 2nd chapter of the Passing with the rest of your team, but then you fall off because a fat teammate of yours pushed you off. It's a "neat" little touch by the game developers. If it were to be removed, I would sure as hell "miss" it. After all, it's not like it's an annoying feature or anything like that (Note: It is).
  6. It's ok. You can role-play as women to take over for their absence
  7. San', Tainted, Shepard, Johnny, and Sassy are the ones who left GC. I'll always keep it crazy when I get on. That's pretty much a given lol
  8. Unfortunately, 5 of those names you mentioned have retired from GC On the bright side though: We still have Maestro, Merc, Peanut, Dixie, Meng (who's part-time), and MORE of the current crop of GC players who are still around!! It's good to hear from you, and we're looking forward to your return lol after all, I do need another good name to go curb stomp in the server
  9. Sorry for being 2 days late on this, but I've got news for ya: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/367434986786684608/D0874AA06146B1BD1877065F4FD8F4EF3FD1454C/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=794475056 ^ lol get a load of THIS guy! He commits suicide by jumping off the bridge in Death Toll chapter 1. He actually wanted to kill himself, which is why he went "yay" before he left the server moments after his death. Velocity, Reborn, and Drewmeister were witnesses to this. Spocolypse 74 <STEAM_1:0:156019898> On a side note: Maybe Death Toll is so awful that playing it caused this griefer to want to commit suicide?
  10. Yea, pretty sure this is left 4 dead porn. Lol DammitTuly!! You can keep your sexual fantasies to yourself
  11. Wut?? You mean you were being for real? Uh oh! After Halloween too? Oh noooo, my identity is ruined forever
  12. lol yes, I did it! I won.... ....the title of First Place Loser. Behold!
  13. Lol don't worry about me. I won't be there. I don't do customs. Everyone else can go have fun though!
  14. You said that there will be plenty of time! DammitPeanut!!!!
  15. Can everyone see how they did this month for the competition after 10/31?
  16. If we do another game, will it be a custom map again? If it isn't, then cool. I'll join. I'd like to play Admins vs Members.
  17. Yep, those 2 consecutive custom nights killed any chance I had on competing for 1st place. I give up. You win. I quit. Hope is lost
  18. Hey, don't feel bad. I could play Saturday night, but it's a custom game. I don't do those games which means that I'll miss out too. Look at the bright side: You won't be alone
  19. If I can't kill Peanut when I'm playing as survivor since he's on my team, then no worries. As long as I'm around, I'll make sure nobody on the infected team gets to kill my teammate Peanut when he's a survivor
  20. Well, time for me to get curb stomped by Hurricane Matthew >:P

    1. Yortz


      Good luck, stay safe.

  21. If I don't return to the server this Friday on time and if I don't win this competition by the end of this month, I'm going to blame the hurricane that is coming up right here. After all, if you fail, it is important to make silly excuses on why you didn't succeed
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