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Everything posted by MaxRockatansky

  1. You do not think to leave the server in the hands of a Mexican, right? D:
  2. Okay, they are all reasonable points. Thanks for comment. Remember that literal come back from the jungle every week and I can barely get into the server these days. I will have a vacation soon.
  3. Hi fellas... A few days ago I found this, are several times where I kill an infected and always tells me 0 points. Usually accompanies with a BOT: BOOMER or BOT: Jockey Anyone else noticed?
  4. Why not mention something about max? I buy suicide
  5. Si me mandas la pasta por wenster union, te la compro
  6. Military Sniper... and it gives me more points for being sniper XD
  7. I suggest more points for the Jockeys, or achievements, when we have more than two Rydes (Going For A Joyride). the other infected have more achievements by skill, not the jockeys.
  8. MaxRockatansky


    Hi, follow this link, there you have it all to add to your shopping cart http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/store/product/2-coalition-membership-1-year/
  9. No, but could give points for 'Rocket Jockeys', you know, when you drop one unexpectedly from a great distance. It would be a plus. Just ask Meant
  10. Hello friends! A question Can I change my nick in this forum? I would like to be renamed me as Steam: 'Max Rockatansky' Thank you so much
  11. Hello friends! Do not know if this is the subject for publication, but I leave here .. A couple of nights I could get the server to play a few hours with you. It was my last night in a long time .. For personal reasons (study and completion of my Engineering), I'll move to the other side of my country and not count on my desktop and I can not go to the games as at night or on weekends should be. Ultimately my goal is to finish my career and focus on my studies and my work .. This post was to tell you that I like to share my hours of play with you, but perhaps a not notice me but for almost a year ago I was playing on their servers. In these months I made friendships and fellowship with you always crave find in my hours of fun. I hope to meet on servers and try to play from time to time (if my laptop will allow me) .. Not a GC goodbye .. It's a 'see you soon' ... Thanks for all friends. Att. Josse. AKA Max Rockansty ... Peace! Pd. You can follow me on twitter or Instagram as '@JosseStoner'
  12. La verdad no tengo idea. Estebamos empezando una partida (la partida era totalmente nueva). Desconozco si el estaba en mi equipo o no en la ronda anterior. Gummy.. ACLARO, en ni un momento me insulto, pero por los comentarios de anoche si me pareció una burla hacia mi nacionalidad. Desde hace un mes que soy irregular en los servidores, problemas con la escuela y trabajo y solo puedo entrar un par de horas en las noches o los fines de semana. Semanas atrás, el usuario PUMP, me pidió que yo no lo 'recogiera' en una partida, le dije, no hay problema, no te ayudo. Termino la partida. Amigo, la verdad desconozco sus motivos, y si alguien no quiere mi ayuda está bien, no pasa nada. Fellow, I understand if you do not need my help, to first get it. I am intermediate in English, and I can hardly hear, if we are aware, we are talking in a game shots, sounds of tank and many things, I do not listen.. If you think that game inept way, excuse me. i can read .. i can't hear 1 - I said (i am MaxR) to leave to another team, I like to play as a team, and if someone tells me I do not need my help, this may not work. 4 - If I said that, I have good communication with my friend (HARD) and if PUM not want my help, anyway, did not help. 5 - I am max. Pero crees que sea adecuado seguirle el chiste? Siendo un administrador? // But you think it is appropriate to follow the joke? Being an administrator? 3:30 am.. In Mexico 11:00 pm I had no idea that you are an administrator. Do not put the example that you should give. If the problem is me, I stop playing in your schedule.
  13. Neglect the inconvenience. Of course not, he never said anything out of place (at least offensive). But it is not the first time this user makes me indifferent in a game. I had not noticed his prescence, he was not even contemplated in chat with Hard. Not if you do not like to play around here, does not like me to speak in Spanish, or my sense of humor. I have no idea. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll avoid incomdar to other users.
  14. Anzul. No es la primera vez que este usuario me dice esto. Yo ni siquiera había notado su parecencia y jugaba como si nada con el otro usuario. Y de la nada llega y me dice eso. No se si le caigo mal, o de plano no quiere verme por aqui. Le dije que se cambie de equipo, porque si no queria 'mi' ayuda, era no mejor rozar en un mismo equipo. Y opte cambiarme de equipo, pero en fin, termine dejando la partida. Yo ni siquiera pensaba en ayudar a Pump, como dije, yo solo me preocupe por mi amigo. El ni siqueira estaba invitado a mi platica con Hard. Si, estoy de acuerdo que el no dijo nada, pero no se siente bien que alguien te haga menos por hablar español.
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