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Everything posted by profoundWHALE

  1. Yutani_069: http://steamcommunity.com/id/y-u-t-a-n-i Sti_069: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128247278 Tax_069: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198246068186 Reason: Excessive Teamkilling; Votekick Spamming/Abuse; Language Video Proof: http://youtu.be/eAHxpKbPSNg (video should be up in about 20 minutes) Summary: So it all started with that first bit from the video, when I capped a 'hotzone'. The 069 guys would keep trying to kill me, C4, pistols, whatever. So, I call a vote. Problem, with 5 guys on the server, all you need are three votes, so they voted to kick me instead. I rejoined, threw a smoke at them, and they voted again. I teamkilled one of them before it kicked me. Then, it was join, kicked, join, kicked, join, kicked, about 10-15 times until more people joined the server, they couldn't kick me anymore and then Yutani started shooting teammates, and then left the game along with his buddies.
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