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Everything posted by Ted_Break_Danson

  1. Does anyone know if Cedar Point has express pass type offers? When I went to Six Flags over Georgia last year they had different fast pass deals. Basically the more you paid the shorter your wait time was. Anyone know? Blah found a page saying they no longer offer this like right after I posted.
  2. Darkfall Gamplay Footage Pretty exciting stuff!
  3. lol 3 months later finally got the dang staff i can sleep now
  4. I just got the Eye of Divinity last night from Major Domo's chest. Anyone done the epic priest staff quest? Or had luck farming the eye of shadow?
  5. i would definitely be in for this
  6. i was wanting to go also, how far away is it from the hotel?
  7. Warsong Gulch CTF kicks so much butt
  8. I've seen custom sprays get switched up before in 1.6, is it possible that this could happen on CS:S also? I'm not saying anything about that Arch Angel, but one time on my client in 1.6 someone else's spray was showing up as mine.
  9. hahaha mongoloido that part was hilarious that and the stewie look about upside down face cracked me up so bad
  10. Not sure if you guys read this in the FAQ but: I also thought this was crazy when being asked about knowing camping spots of a person: I think this thing is awesome. The 300 people they detected that vac2 did not makes me a little weary, but maybe it really is that good.
  11. Has anyone seen Primer? What did you think of it?
  12. I have to say that this map with pistols and shotties only was a lot of fun tonight!
  13. i know its part of the joke, but a volume warning would have been nice
  14. His latest CD on Amazon You should check out the preview clips. lol EDIT: well i guess its his last cd
  15. Ted_Break_Danson


    http://www.cox-internet.com/jhmorri/HLSS.html I think this is the tutorial i used to get it to work.
  16. In the trailer it looked like he switched heads really fast at will. I haven't read the book or anything though, so I don't really know what is going on .
  17. I just switched back to a lan cable from wireless because of this too. Man those spikes are annoying.
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