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Whos in what hotel?


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Me, Gunman, Rashad, Knathrak, Shadowseraph, and Yomamma got a 6 person room at Holiday Inn Express in Lancaster. With Knathrak's AAA membership it will be $115 a night. Not too bad only like 60$ a person for the 3 nights we are staying. Anyone else reserver a room at Holiday Inn Express or other places? And also... what day are you guys coming? Thurs or Friday?


Want to start a list of people?



Holiday Inn Express on Thursday night.



Edit: Just thought of a couple of things.


Maybe make like a little get together of some people that are coming down/up/left/right on thursday? Maybe go eat lunch the next day? I'll put up my cell phone too. 608-358-3239

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Yeah - anyone coming down on Thursday night that wants to find a pool hall to eat some dinner at and shoot some pool that would be awesome. Make sure it allows under 21 year olds though.


Trouble - you're going down! ;)


P.S. I will contact you before we leave and perhaps we can exchance phone numbers so we can get in contact.



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