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Half life, from what I have read, is very scalable. So you would probably be ok with the one you have. But there have been pictures showing the difference between directx 7 - 9 and its pretty drastic. Lets just say with an up to date video card this game looks simply amazing. But it is not necessary.


Hi Dirk!!! :D

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You're back huh??? Funny --- didn't see your name come up as suspended from the NBA =P


Anyway --- I beat HL2 TWICE with my GeForce 4 Ti4200 128MB...ran perfect --- loved it...BUT I just bought a Geforce FX5700LE 256MB and WOW --- DOUBLE the FPS..........




Good to see ya!



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Dirkus! You've returned! := Been in the same boat without a connection (except at parent's house and work) but I should have my DSL modem this week as long as UPS actually delivers something on time for once.


I am running a 9600xt and it runs just fine. Of course, with details all on high, AA and AF, you will run into more than a few brick walls as far as fps goes. But I just beat the game today, and was very impressed with it's overall performance. Try ATI's trade up program. I believe you can trade in any card for $50 towards a newer card. But, then again, you have to buy directly from ATI so $50 covers the mark up. :bang: I think I am going to wait till the x850 comes out, and then snatch me up a x800.


Good to see you around! Don't be a stranger :wavey::D

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