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Welcome to Map Survivor!


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Welcome to Map Survivor.


Our Goal: To find maps worthy of our server and our gameplay so as to become a part of our permanent mapcycle.


If you've been around a while you remember scud2k1 and aztec3.


If you've REALLY been around a while you remember bank!


Rules: All posts should contain insight and thought, posted in good English, no matter what side you're taking on a map. Any posts contrary to this standard will be removed and the user warned.


-A group of maps will be added, then as time goes by we'll vote them off the rotation until we're left with one that we'll leave for another extended period of time.


-If you are posting, it is expected that you have played the map AT LEAST TWICE. Not knowing a map is not grounds for disliking it. Take your first gut reaction and file it. Also, running around the map on your own is NOT grounds for judgements, on either side.


-Well thought-out reviews with pictures are MUCH APPRECIATED.


-General observations of pub reactions are ok, but saying "everyone this or that" won't do.



As I mentioned above, our servers used to be defined by a few maps that others didn't run as a rule. I think it's time we found a few of these maps. If all you like is dust2, there are plenty of dust2 servers out there to suit that.


This isn't about playing mediocre maps either. Each time we play map survivor, we'll get rid of all but 1 of them. Then, the winner will stay on for a couple weeks. Once we've added a few maps this way, we'll put these maps up against each other to see if there's a clear desire to get one off the cycle because it just wasn't what it seemed.


Who knows? Maybe none of the maps put up in Map Survivor series end up being worthy. We'll have to face that as it comes.


So, enjoy the maps if you can, learn em so you can pwn people tryin to learn em, and come back here for good discussions.


I'm looking for a few guys to become regular critiques, including screenshots, etc. Sorta like reports.....playing up the role, including a little drama! There's no application for this, we'll just see you posting away!

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