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GC Welcomes Dirk back to the machine


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Dirk_Nowitski, a former Mmmm gone stray in his youth has come back to join us as Lead Admin of our latest server in TEXAS.


While it's labeled as Scopeless atm, this is not final.


Dirk will have the role as lead admin, although he will pay NO dues to GC. This server is provided free of cost by him through his connections, and we are very greatful for this contribution. The value of this is well over $100 / year, and we are very happy to make this exchange.


From my understandings, he enjoys the game and our policies enough to ask us to make it one of our one.


All admins will have admin on this server as they would anywhere else, consider it a GC server like any other.


At this point, WEST will redirect down through Texas, which will shoot back up to MW.


First things first, however, say thanks and welcome back to Dirk.

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How much stress would it be on your box to put a 12 man scoutzknivez server up? I like the 24/7 SK server we have right now, But i think we only have about a week left.


Or would a2g be willing to donate or give us a great deal on a server?

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GC Founder

Correct, I will be cancelling that server no later than Saturday.


We could use Ante for this purpose. Maybe start a new topic and gather all the aim-type maps you'd want to play on a rotation instead of just scoutz.

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Correct, I will be cancelling that server no later than Saturday.


We could use Ante for this purpose.  Maybe start a new topic and gather all the aim-type maps you'd want to play on a rotation instead of just scoutz.


OH cool, let me see if i can find some CS:S aim maps. Anyone know of any good map sites?

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