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hello world();


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system.out.println("Hello World");


btw, nofx, my c++ teacher would have taken a point off for etiquette for not having a space between << and endl;


what language is printf?

Your teacher is a noob, he should've taken off a point for not using namespace std.

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are we supposed to write this in our native tongue?


cout << "Hello World "<<endl; or

printf ("%s \n", "Hello World");




std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;


(void) printf("%s \n", "Hello World");


ever heard of "using namespace std"?

Edited by NOFX
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are we supposed to write this in our native tongue?


cout << "Hello World "<<endl; or

printf ("%s \n", "Hello World");




std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;


(void) printf("%s \n", "Hello World");


ever heard of "using namespace std"?



the original poster didnt use it; and i can't be sure if he is doing this in some class in some header file so to err on the safe side, i use std::



and besides, i dont use "using namespace std"...so polluting

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  • 1 month later...
10 Rem New Program!

20 Cls

30 Print "Hello World!"

40 Input "Would you like this printed? (Y/N)";A$

50 If A$<> "Y" and A$<>"N" then goto 40

60 If A$="N" then End

70 If A$="Y" then Lprint "Hello World"

80 End


Assembly? I haven't messed with something like this since school

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sHello BYTE "Hello World!", 0



main PROC




This is the part where you move the thing into the other thing!


mov edx, OFFSET sHello



WriteString is included in the Irvine32.inc file, fyi.@

call WriteString



main ENDP

Edited by DarkArchon
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10 Rem New Program!

20 Cls

30 Print "Hello World!"

40 Input "Would you like this printed? (Y/N)";A$

50 If A{:content:}lt;> "Y" and A{:content:}lt;>"N" then goto 40

60 If A$="N" then End

70 If A$="Y" then Lprint "Hello World"

80 End


Assembly? I haven't messed with something like this since school



the original age-old "B.A.S.I.C." that I first started to learn on a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 1 with 16k ram

Line by line and step by agonizing step.

Note: Always count your lines by ten!! That way you have 9 lines in between in case you need to add more! Otherwise, you have to re-write the program to get extra line numbers.


Of course, if youre the gambling sort and know you never make a mistake:


1 Rem New Program!
2 Cls:Print "Hello World!"
3 Input "Would you like this printed? (Y/N)";A$
4 If A$<> "Y" and A$<>"N" then goto 3 else if A$="N" then End
5 Lprint "Hello World":End

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  • 1 year later...


org 0x05430000

db 0x7F, "ELF"
dd 1
dd 0
dd $$
dw 2
dw 3
dd _start
dw _start - $$
_start: inc ebx ; 1 = stdout file descriptor
add eax, dword 4 ; 4 = write system call number
mov ecx, msg ; Point ecx at string
mov dl, 13 ; Set edx to string length
int 0x80 ; eax = write(ebx, ecx, edx)
and eax, 0x10020 ; al = 0 if no error occurred
xchg eax, ebx ; 1 = exit system call number
int 0x80 ; exit(ebx)
msg: db 'hello, world', 10


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