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This book is a little bit different from any other book that I would read. It is written in the first person and the writer is a 17 year old girl. She moves to a town that she hates and she meets and falls in love with a Vampire. The story is pretty much a love story with some action and intrigue thrown in... until they end up being hunted. Despite the book being a love story kind of book, I really liked it. While not necessarily a Harry Potter caliber of book, it is close in that there is now apparently a movie being made about it. Really good book and there is no sex scenes in the book so a teenager could safely read this.

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In my opinion Twilight is much better than Harry Potter. Mainly because *SPOILER*.


I love the twilight series. I'm not scared to admit it. The first book is great, second is eh, third picks up again, and the fourth concludes the story. The movie looks like crap and I don't plan on watching it though.


Enjoy the series if you're planning to continue with the Twilight series.

Edited by farmerisme
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And Alvin - would you mind editing your post? You've got a spoiler in there, I for one didn't know that about the Harry Potter bit yet. :(


The statute of limitations on spoilers dies after a year. It has been a year and 4 months. No excuses about "I'm waiting for the movie" either because people who wait for a movie when they could read a book deserve to have spoilers thrown at them.


Also...Dumbledore Does It Every Saturday. (that's a spoiler too!)

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The Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles was like this for me, not the type of books I would normally read, but well written and exciting. Vampire books are always worth a shot IMO.


And on the spoilers yeah, try and watch it, obviously nothing intentional on the post, but edited.

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I've yet to read them but my wife is a Twilight freak and has read the whole series multiple times and even bought the Collectors Edition (already had the reg ed.) of one of the books. My 10yr old daughter even read the whole series, think that's why I'm uninterested. :shrug03:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finished these books. I have to say that the 4th and final (for now) in the story is the best. I have to say that as a whole, this is one of the best sagas I've ever reason. I think now that the few women authors who write fantasy and science fiction have such a perfect talent for it. I am speaking of the big 3 that come to mine. Stephie Meyer, Mercedes Lackey, and JK Rholing. I haven't read all of the Potter books yet and will one of these days. I have to say Meyer has a way with her story telling that makes them readable by anyone of all ages, including men over 30. The books were targeted towards teenage girls and after doing some googling around, it seems her fan base is an evenly mixed bag. The story telling is unbelievable and the characters believable.


I just hope that the movie doesn't ruin my mental picture of what the characters look like. The actor playing the male lead though looks.... wrong....

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i'm just wierd but i actually like watching the movies before the books just so then the characters are already pictured for me and my images of them then cant be ruined.. like lotr, hp, requim for a dream ect ect.. i'll probably do the same with twilight.. nvm scratch the probably thats a deffinantly

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