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Achievements to reward teamwork


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At the moment all the achievements seem to be focused on individual achievement. It would be nice to add some small 1 point achievements to reward team play/coordination. These would hopefully be triggered fairly often because obviously everyone is good at teamwork, so 1 point should be enough. Maybe even 0.5 points I dunno.


Some suggestions:

- Hold him still while I hit him with my fist (1pt)

Charge a survivor while he is being held in place by a smoker.


and the sister achievement

- Shhh no tears only dreams now (2pts)

Hold a survivor in place as a smoker while a charger charges him


Other suggestions:

A one time 1pt bonus if you're the first person to spit an incap.

A 0.1 point (10%) bonus for booming a survivor if a tank is up.


And if you can do really complex logic it would be nice to have a reward for 'backing up' an infected who is pinning someone... something like:

Survivor A is pinned by Infected X

Survivor B deals non fatal damage to Infected X

Infected Y pins Survivor B before Infected X dies, so now both survivors are pinned.

Then Infected Y gets a bonus.

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Ridden into the ground (+5 for each infected involved)


must involve at least 3 infected, survivor winds up being dead or deathcharged at least 100ft from where the first infected attack was made and at no time was free of an infected attacker.


(Could actually be 2 different achievements - ridden to ground (survivor is dead) and ridden to air (survivor is deathcharged))

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These are good ideas and all but there needs to be a balance. Survivors would need team achievements too!


They already do, points for pickups, for heals, for protecting teammates. I think the fact that l4d is a team game is far more obvious from the survivor point of view but less so for infected.

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