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The Christmas Truce of 1914 - 100th Anniversary


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This has been in my mind since I woke up this past morning.  After singing some Christmas carols in their traditional German format tonight, as is the tradition around here, it really got me thinking about how I should spread this story around for contemplation (a sort of Christmas miracle) - The Christmas Truce of 1914.  Simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking, it's one of those impressive moments of human decency that put into perspective the horrors of combat and how the era in which even war could be conducted with a sense of dignity and chivalry is truly long dead.  There's a romantic sense among some historians that Christmas of 1914 marked the end of an era and that the modern concept of merciless warfare took root afterwards.  In any case, it's reason enough to give a thought and a prayer to all of those soldiers spending their Christmas far from home this holiday season and to remember those lost a century ago in the 'war to end all wars'.



Edited by VladPiranha
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