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Back to School

samurai nightling

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Just wanted to let people know about what is going on in my life, as if you guys really care!

Wanted to share the good news that I'm starting back to school for my MBA in early November.

My work was selecting 20 people from applicants to do a cohort with the school I actually went to college at and they're paying the full tuition (minus fees), so even if I don't know what to do with an MBA, I figured why not apply and try for it. Welp, guess they liked my application cuz they selected me! I'm currently taking on online finance workshop though, that I have to have done by early October to be able to start into the program, so that's fun. It's going to be like one night a week, from 6-10pm, with lots of group projects when I'm not actually in class. It's accelerated for working adults, so I'm still working 40 hours/week, with being a full time dad to 2 young boys, and a full time husband. This should be pretty interesting....


Anyways, wish me luck, and if I'm not gaming much/if at all for the next 18-20 months you all know why. I didn't die, though I may wish I did halfway through this.

And if anyone has done anything similar with any words of advice, please let me know! I graduated in 2008 from college, so this is gonna be an adjustment now that I'm 30!


Peace out yo.....

Edited by samurai nightling
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I've put in about 52 hours into Fallout 4 over the last few months. Hence my absence on the CS:GO scene. I felt like i NEEDED to complete the story line before anything else gaming wise, or I felt incomplete. But I also don't have enough hours in the day to work, play/be with my kids, make my wife happy, and then game. Gaming comes after the other stuff is done first, and now I'll have school to throw in the mix. Priorities have changed in the last 4 years, and gaming got the short end of the stick lol.

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I'm in basically the same boat!


I started my MBA this past June.


How is the schedule set up for you? I have 3 classes/term but only 2 at any one time (one 16 week course and x2 8 week courses). 


I have managed to get quite a bit done on lunch/2-4 days after work once the kids go down, thus freeing up weekends for more family time. Good luck!

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So my schedule is like one class at a time for about 5-6 weeks I think. It's meeting once a week for actual class at night for 4 hours, then mostly group work outside of class. I'll let you know more of how it is set up once I really get into it. Congrats to you as well! Time management is going to be huge, and I'm always worried I won't have enough family time cuz I love being with my boys. They're at that young age where they change constantly.

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