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Friday Night Customs!! 12/23/16


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GC Board Member

I don't know about any of you guys but I really enjoyed last Friday's custom map and would like to do it again this Friday, December 23. 


I noticed that many people had to leave before long into the campaign so my vote is for it to start and hour earlier, around 7:00pm EST.


Map choice is entirely open as of now, so if you have any suggestions or votes, please leave them down below and I imagine we will go with the majority. Some examples would be: Warcelona, Dam it 2! The Director's cut, Diescraper Redux, Death Row, etc.


I also enjoyed the All-Talk and the scrambles each chapter, as every chapter was new and exciting with a different team each time. However if you DID NOT enjoy these aspects of last Friday's customs then let us know.


Server 2 will be the host server for this Friday's customs.


If you are missing any of the custom maps, please go here: 



Any other questions, comments or concerns, message me or leave a comment below!

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goto the workshop and subscribe to them.

there are links on the website here but  i couldnt get them to work for me


Remind me how to install the custom maps again? I remember there was something to subscribe to. I had to remove that option while troubleshooting some stuff. I might try and pop in, but even starting at 6, I'll likely have to leave early. 

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Some of us spend our time as volunteers to change maps, enforce rules, and also to set up, promote and run customs. In my case, I may have better things to do, but I show up, set up the map, hold it for people to join, answer a bunch of messages from people about which map, where to get it, what to do when they can't get in, etc. I put on all talk and scramble teams as needed to keep it fun. I help teams if they don't know the map.


Why do I do this and much more? So everyone can continue to enjoy this game


I even got some non-admins to help out the last couple weeks, because we are a community and we can all help out


You don't have to like custom maps

You don't have to appreciate what we do for everyone

But if you are going to be negative about this stuff, keep it to yourself. No more posts about people not missing anything

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