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Very Sad News


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GC Server Admin

I was informed by Dhun  who was told by Miss Spider  that  Gummies has passed away    Possibly diabetes related 

RIP   Gummies  it was great  gaming  with you

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Rest in peace, Gummies (formerly known as Lil Neko).

I first encountered you on GC in late 2014 shortly after joining this community, and I distinctively remember you being one of the many fun personalities on the server.

One of the MANY fond memories that I had about you, Gummies, is the fun moments we had together on Left 4 Dead 2 + Scribblio on voice chat in our Discord in the pandemic era with all the others; ESPECIALLY during a rough period in 2020 where we desperately needed to have more fun and positivity.

I’ll never forget how you’d hilariously keep calling me out on my nonsensical bullpoop.

My day was already off to a sad & rough start because I literally woke up to this terrible news earlier this morning (knowing FULL well just moments later that I will never play, or hear her voice ever again). I’m genuinely sad and heartbroken.

Hopefully, we’ll all somehow meet again and game together in the afterlife.

I’ll miss you. We’ll miss you, Gummies 😢





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I just wanted to post here and say that Gummies' passing was sudden and unexpected. She was ill all day wednesday, and we did game a little that morning together before she put herself to bed. I spoke to her that night via phone call to find out she was actually pretty darn sick. I advised her to take care of herself and get to the doctor if she wasn't feeling better the following morning, and told her that I hoped she felt better, and that was the last I spoke to her. Despite multiple attempts to contact her thursday as well as friday morning, I couldn't get through. Her brother then logged into her discord a little after 12PM EST yesterday to deliver the news. We have no clue what the cause of death was, be it her sudden illness, diabetic complications, or otherwise.

She was a wonderful friend, and probably one of the sweetest and silliest people I've ever met, who dedicated a fair amount of her time to taking care of her brother and grandmother. Gummies may have only been in my life for a short four years, but I definitely feel like I've lost a sister. She will be greatly missed.

I've already posted the message across our discord servers, but I though it would be a nice gesture to collect messages from friends / those who knew her - be it about/to gummies herself, or to her family - so that these messages could be collected, printed, and mailed to her family along with a card. If you wish to say something, you can post here, or DM me directly.

In addition, Gummies' family has started a GoFundMe (https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-arsenio-and-mom-in-their-time-of-loss). They live on a fixed/low income, so they've now been slammed with these unexpected funeral costs. By all means, do not feel pressured to donate, but if you can, that's great and would significantly help out her family in giving Gummies the funeral she deserves.

Unfortunately I don't have any other information about what happened to her. I'm not very active here, and I'll probably forget to check on a regular basis, but I'm around to answer questions if anyone has anything to ask. And if anyone needs or wants to talk, you are welcome to DM me.


RIP Gummies. You will be sorely missed ♥

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