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insults during the game


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I was playing a game today, with a bunch of people, and someone got the tank, and at the end of the round, red asked who was tank, and a name was mentioned and he said low skilled player. He has done this a number of times, and hes said it to me. I dont like it. its insulting and when an admin is playing and nothing is done. thats not right. Thats all im going to say about the subject, cause im sure its going to ruffle a few feathers. I only come on this server to have fun and play with people that i like to play with and this group is one of the best. and i dont want to be insulted just because either im not good with tank or someone else isnt good either. thats bullpoop.

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GC Server Admin

Hey Garmie, I'm with you.  For too long members and Regs have got to the point of whereby 'smack-talk' oversteps the boundaries of GC Rules.  Even I get abused by people adhering to server guidelines and doing what I'm supposed to do with interference from left, right and centre even when they don't know what's going one, they just like to argue the rules.

Going to have serious words with others about this.

Members and Regs :   Be Warned - you know the rules by now, don't argue and if you can't be nice, or say something extremist as someone did yesterday - you will be banned without further warning.


Edited by MPG1770
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