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Concerning T_rouble


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If I hear ANYONE make another crack towards T_rouble about "Will you have my baby" or anything along those lines and inappropriate. YOU'RE GONE. Comments like that are over the line and disrespectful. And frankly, I'm damned tired of hearing it.



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seriously, as soon as that Juno girl gets online it seems like all the people want to be her friend.

I guess that's the problem when a girl plays a game with creatures who barely think the existance of a woman is true...


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true that swoop... watchtower is too sexy for MY shirt!




I am sorry btw Trouble, i used to play that game too, once in a while, though I think you knew I was kidding. Just letting ya know.


jane | gfe

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I dunno what goes on behind closed doors LOL but no one and I mena NO ONE says a word to Trouble while im on.....I think all the regulars know I ( we ) got her back through everything...and everyone should know unless its me.....the jokes aren't appreciated....Im 100% for this, I or any admin catch and derogitory comments...bye bye, no questions, not anything......

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Amen Lunk. I've seen this happen several times and it really irritates me. I try telling people to shut up when this kind of crap flares up because it really hacks me off. My girlfriend likes to play video games (We play Goldeneye and things like that together.) But it's because of these sub-human lowlifes that don't understand the CORRECT way to treat a lady, that I have never and probably WILL never introduce her to counter-strike or any game like it. It's fine for me and I think it's cool that some girls like to play too but I feel very sorry for them because of the pr0n downloading perverts that play these games. It's a really sad state of affairs. Anyway, amen to what you said. I'm glad something's being done about it because I've seen it a couple times and Trouble being easy going as everyone knows, is far too lenient on these morons. Hehe anyway I'll shutup now but I'm just glad something's being done. It's one of those things that really torques me off...

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WOW...didn't even realize that the problem was so out of hand, especially on the server/guild she is a member of. Like Nyx said, Trouble is very lenient and easy going; so somehow that gets ppl's wires crossed and they think thats acceptable behavior because she doesn't say anything or much of anything to the comments.

I am by no means saying that thats her fault or a bad thing. It would appear in this case that ignoring them (the comments and the ppl) isn't effective. Good to see you guys laying the smack down.

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

It's what happens when you put a woman figure into a server with a lot of horny kids. Just give a warning to the non-regs before banning.. I don't think many regulars give her problems.. but maybe I'm crazy? :unsure:

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seriously, as soon as that Juno girl gets online it seems like all the people want to be her friend.

I guess that's the problem when a girl plays a game with creatures who barely think the existance of a woman is true...


Counldn't agree with this statement more. I've noticed this a lot in the past few weeks. I was very close to posting up something about it, but figured it would mellow. I'm not sure why some community members go all crazy.... dont you live, go to work, go to school with females?


I think a perfect way to discribe this is with a flash back to my youth.... When I was a teenager and worked at McDonalds (hey it paid for the beer), I couldnt count on how many times some person would come to the drive-thru speaker, start screaming and shouting at me through the speaker. Then when they pulled up to the window, they were very kind.


People tend to loose track that they are speaking to a living person, and think its all so very funny.... untill they meet the person face to face (if they have the opportunity)


I'm with Lunk on this one!

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same thing happened with contra, but not to this degree?

Because Contra didn't tolerate it.


I've encouraged T to call down the thunder, but she's just too nice...therefore her brothers have to step in. She could end this problem immediately if she wanted to.

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YAY!!!!!!!! Team #1!!!!!!!!!


Anywho, I think a big factor in this as well, to many, is the fact that not only is it a girl (ooooooooh, a gurrrrrrl), but it is a girl that likes gaming. What?!?! Unheard of!!!!!! A girl that actually likes to play video/computer games?!?!! Droooooool.


But what many fail to comprehend is that this girl is still a person, and if corny pick up lines and acting that way in front of them in person don't work, then why would one think they would want to hear it online from someone they can't even see? If you want someone to talk to that wants to hear it, then join a dating chatroom. Don't ruin everyone's gaming experience on the server by making them listen to that stuff.


I think you'll find there are many female gamers out there, and if you want them to inhabit our community and game here, then just treat them as a person like everyone else. They don't want to be isolated just cause they are a gamer of the opposite sex. So just use your head and play the game like it is meant to be played.

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