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Posts posted by theseeker4

  1. I'm guilty of this just like everyone else.


    Not using your radar, comming round a corner, them emptying a full clip into your teammate cause they scared you.


    I done that too... bad guy came around the corner I shot him up he died... I was in another corner to reload. I hear someone reload around the corner I thought i was slick and chucked a nade against the wall to get him... it was a team mate and he ended up killing me on accident, because we got into a gun fight after the nade.



    lol Newb quotes:


    "i didn't know you can defused with out a kit!"

    "Lemme cover your back by just standing behind you!"

    *chucks a grenade by your feet* "Take cov~ oh my bad."



    Lol, I did this the other day, I was in the long hall on Italy, I was CT, and was firing sporadic shots at the T's up there, when someone comes around the corner up by the T spawn, I shoot at him. He fires back at me, I shoot him some more, we keep shooting each other as he backs around the corner, which is when I realize he is my team. Next thing I see, he lobs a granade at me which TK's me. It was hilarious, us both shooting at each other and neither noticing the spamming of "Theseeker.gc attacked a teammate" "so-and-so attacked a teammate" as we blast away at each other. Needless to say, I forgave his TK :D


  2. Hey, I have been having trouble this evening in both Mahen and Recrud, I keep timing out/being dropped. Is this just me, or are other people having the same trouble? It occured several times in both servers, multiple maps between 8:00 and 8:30. I think it was happening to others as well since the server numbers dropped quite a bit over that time. Please post here if anyone knows what was happening. Thanks.

  3. :bang::bang: Hi, I have been in several games today, both Stock and plus sized, where there were multiple tk'ers, as well as hackers. I am not an admin, so I can't do anything about them, and I don't know how to get their steam ID's so I can request a ban. What can I do about this, since when no admins are there, our servers can be worse than some unmoderated servers, and I don't want that to happen. Is there any way to allow GC members to simply boot players when no admin is available? If not, how can I get their ID so I can request a ban? They often change their names, so I can't just give you the names. Thanks. :bang::bang:
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