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Curious because we need funds to keep the server running and membership seems low!
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Hey Garmie, I'm with you. For too long members and Regs have got to the point of whereby 'smack-talk' oversteps the boundaries of GC Rules. Even I get abused by people adhering to server guidelines and doing what I'm supposed to do with interference from left, right and centre even when they don't know what's going one, they just like to argue the rules. Going to have serious words with others about this. Members and Regs : Be Warned - you know the rules by now, don't argue and if you can't be nice, or say something extremist as someone did yesterday - you will be banned without further warning.
I was playing a game today, with a bunch of people, and someone got the tank, and at the end of the round, red asked who was tank, and a name was mentioned and he said low skilled player. He has done this a number of times, and hes said it to me. I dont like it. its insulting and when an admin is playing and nothing is done. thats not right. Thats all im going to say about the subject, cause im sure its going to ruffle a few feathers. I only come on this server to have fun and play with people that i like to play with and this group is one of the best. and i dont want to be insulted just because either im not good with tank or someone else isnt good either. thats bullpoop.
Hey Shaft, the place makes you look stunning, :). I need a 3week holiday - maybe bringing a friend - can we stay at yours and we'll do the chores for you?
GCFTW_Points_System v2.7.8 released Changelog: - [Performance] Moved retrieval of event variables "headshot" and "weapon_id" inside "if (IsValidClient(attacker) && GetClientTeam(attacker) == SURVIVORS)" block. - [Code QoL] Flipped the condition checking RoundEndCount in Event_Boom function and reformatted the statement handling. - [Code QoL] Replaced "attacker > 0 && attacker <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(attacker)" with "IsValidClient(attacker)" in Event_Boom function. - [Boomer Rework] Added variables t_TagAnnounce[MAXPLAYERS], p_TagPoints[MAXPLAYERS]. The former is a boolean to indicate whether a player has an active timer for survivor tags, and the latter is the amount of points they have accumulated during the time that timer is active. - [Boomer Rework] Replaced "if (BoomerVictimCount[attacker] > 0)" with "if (!t_TagAnnounce[attacker])" in Event_Boom. - [Boomer Rework] Changed the point reward for boomer tags to the following point reward: "float local_TagReward = 1.00 + ((BoomerVictimCount[attacker] - 1) * 0.25);" - [Boomer Rework] Changed boomer tag announce from 3s to 5s. This is also the duration of time which the 0.25pt bonus will continue to be added to each subsequent tag following the first. - [Boomer Rework] Added -50% point reward scaling for tagging bots. - [Boomer Rework] Modified BoomerPointAnnounce timer to confirm t_TagAnnounce[attacker] is true, changed the print statement to use p_TagPoints[attacker], and to reset the values of both new variables.
He went to search for the one Ring.
GCFTW_Points_System v2.7.7 released Changelog: - [Code QoL] Added enable cvar & handle for bullet counting: e_hTotalBulletsFired and added check at weaponfire event start. - [Code QoL] Added e_hTotalBulletsFired check to !stats command so stat will only show if tracking is enabled. - [Code QoL] Flipped the condition checking RoundEndCount in Event_Infected_Death function and reformatted the statement handling. - [Code QoL] Replaced "attacker > 0 && attacker <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(attacker)" with "IsValidClient(attacker)" in Event_Infected_Death function.
Soda started following L4D2 Bug & Issue Report Thread and Community Poll #4 - Boomer Point Earning Balance
Lastly, Part 3 is basically about the Finales, and WHEN is the earliest point where it's finally okay to buy your Tanks. Honestly, there's a common theme with the finales. I'd say the safe rule of thumb is to just wait until the 1st scripted tank arrives ONCE the Survivors actually start the finale's radio. This applies to ALL of No Mercy, Death Toll, Dead Air, Blood Harvest, The Sacrifice, Dead Center, The Passing, Dark Carnival, Hard Rain, Cold Stream, and The Last Stand. There's 3 main exceptions though to this guideline. The Parish: Even though most rounds end up being short, they're still painless because each round ends up being super unpredictable & chaotic each time we play this fun finale due to the numerous death charge areas. Early bought Tanks are RARELY ever a problem on here anyway; so I'd say just do whatever you want here lol Swamp Fever: Yea, I'd prefer if Infected players just simply waited for the Survivors to call the radio, and then wait for the 1st scripted tank to arrive before buying their Tanks; but this is realistically a challenging expectation. The plantation and Virgil's radio are a long distance away from the starting safe room; so there's a fairly high chance that the skilled/experienced Infected players will earn a good number of points early into this finale. Honestly, I'd say AT LEAST wait until the Survivors reach the plantation to buy your Tanks (which is usually what happens anyway). Crash Course: Welp, this is the FAR worse version of Swamp Fever (which actually has a pretty good finale). First of all, the finale's event is a LONG distance away from the starting safe room, and the Infected team will surely have already earned a GREAT number of points long before the Survivors even make it that far. There's so many cars scattered around the early parts of this map, and there's a fairly high chance of an early scripted Tank spawning too. Infected players will just be too tempted to buy their early Tanks here because this finale is SUPER friendly for the Infected team. I feel like it's incredibly difficult and unrealistic to actually EXPECT Infected players to wait for the Survivors to make it ALL the way to the finale's event to summon the horde, and THEN wait until the 1st scripted Tank to arrive. Honestly, I'd say AT LEAST have the courtesy to wait until the Survivors cross that white truck over that gate leading to the finale's event before buying your Tanks. Thankfully, we rarely play this tough finale anyway. Alright, that's it. I'm done giving my full input on the Boomer's distribution of points, and giving helpful advice for eager Tank players
Alright, I wrote up this helpful mini-guide for EACH campaign per chapter. Hopefully this'll be an easy read. Part 2 is to my fellow Infected players who earn 50+ points quickly, and want to know WHEN is the earliest point where it's cool to finally buy your Tanks: No Mercy: Chapter 1: The car alarm area before the subway entrance (fortunately early Tanks are an uncommon issue on this chapter) Chapter 2: After crossing the train halfway through the chapter Chapter 3: At least around the forklift area after passing the crescendo lift event Chapter 4: Preferably after the elevator Crash Course: Chapter 1: AT LEAST below the bridge area before reaching the crescendo horde event Death Toll: Chapter 1: This is a moot point because ANYWHERE is a death trap for the Survivors + there’s a high chance of an early Scripted Tank spawning too. I’d say go nuts or do whatever you want on this chapter only lol Chapter 2: At least until the crescendo horde event Chapter 3: At least until the Survivors finish crossing the mini-bridge over the gate, which can take a while too Chapter 4: AT LEAST until that big building before the crescendo horde event Dead Air: Chapter 1: The car alarm area at the end before the safe room (although this is an uncommon issue, which is a pleasant surprise) Chapter 2: AT LEAST until after the crescendo dumpster event on the rooftop finishes lowering Chapter 3: AT LEAST after the alleyway Chapter 4: At least once the Survivors reaches the vent areas Blood Harvest: Chapter 1: At least after the long bridge area Chapter 2: At least once the Survivors go outside & enter the trainyard area, but MUCH after the crescendo door event Chapter 3: AT LEAST after exiting that 2-story building above the hill near the start Chapter 4: AT LEAST near the car alarm area after exiting that building downhill The Sacrifice: Chapter 1: preferably AT LEAST until the Survivors reach the scripted Tank event area Chapter 2: Either near the HUGE hill halfway through the chapter preferably, or AT LEAST until that parking lot area with the cars before the massive boatyard (although it really depends on the state of the teams because sometimes it takes the Survivors a long while to reach that GIGANTIC hill) Dead Center: Chapter 1: Pretty much after the elevator part (there’s REALLY no need to buy Tanks before the elevator area, but fortunately that’s an uncommon issue) Chapter 2: At least until the BIG road with the 2 cars AFTER crossing that 2-story building with the pills compartment, but BEFORE crossing the bridge that leads to Whitaker’s gun shop Chapter 3: Preferably at least until the running crescendo mall alarm event The Passing: Chapter 1: AT LEAST until the Survivors reach the 2nd story of the parking lot with the cars before entering the building Chapter 2: AT LEAST until the Survivors cross that small plank bridge into that building Dark Carnival: Chapter 1: At least until the Survivors are about to cross the fence at the motel area Chapter 2: Preferably after the alley halfway through the chapter (but fortunately this is an uncommon issue) Chapter 3: Preferably at the start of the crescendo coaster event, or at least near the end of the Tunnel of Love segment (but fortunately this is generally an uncommon issue) Chapter 4: AT LEAST on the rooftops of the barns Swamp Fever: Chapter 1: At least after the crescendo ferry event finishes Chapter 2: At least after the crescendo plane door event starts Chapter 3: Preferably at least after the Survivors cross the house that eventually leads to the crescendo horde event a little later down the path Hard Rain: Chapter 1: At least until reaching that main road with the ambulance halfway through the chapter Chapter 2: At least after crossing that ramp leading further into the sugar mill Chapter 3: At least after the elevator part Chapter 4: AT LEAST near the treehouse area halfway into the chapter The Parish: Chapter 1: At least until the car alarm area at the end near the safe room (but it’s usually not necessary most of the time due to this chapter being short lol) Chapter 2: At least until the Survivors are near the running crescendo trailer park event Chapter 3: AT LEAST until the Survivors reach the final houses before the sewer area Chapter 4: Preferably until the crescendo parade float event, or AT LEAST after crossing that building with the small parking lot containing dumpsters Cold Stream: Chapter 1: At least after exiting that 2-story building before reaching that SUPER thin bridge (but fortunately this is an uncommon issue) Chapter 2: Preferably near that running crescendo sewer event, or AT LEAST any point on the middle stretches of the cliffside area after killing that scripted Tank Chapter 3: Preferably until the Survivors are about to exit the bridge, and head downwards on that ladder The Last Stand: Chapter 1: Pretty much until the crescendo generators event (but we’d need to test out this campaign more often since I only played at least this twice on the server) I feel like if Infected players just followed at least 90% of this guide before buying their Tanks, I think those short 3-5 minute rounds would happen WAY less often.
Yea, I thought about it long and hard here. I'll cut it down to 3 consecutive posts here because I don't want to spam everything in 1 post. Basically, the gist of Part 1 would be how the bigger issue is that some experienced Infected players are super eager & feel the need to buy Tanks super early (especially against a weaker team in one-sided games); especially when the simple solution is to literally just be patient and WAIT a few more minutes at the very least. I agree with Looney that the occasional 3-5 minute rounds are NOT fun. Some Survivor players want to actually last longer than 5 minutes. Some Infected players want to cool down in their zombie round, and challenge themselves with different Special Infected gameplay. Others want to do BOTH! The Sacrifice is like my 3rd favorite chapter to play on this server; but I feel like this campaign has been the BIGGEST victim of being tainted by those shorter rounds due to those early bought Tanks. It honestly feels like it's been nearly 2 months since EITHER team survived into the 2nd half of the first two chapters (especially the 2nd chapter lately because it's been a good while since we've seen a team reach that HUGE hill). I don't even feel like we've been experiencing The Sacrifice's greatness at its fullest recently because most of the rounds are usually too short. I'd say rounds that last at least 7 minutes sound pretty fair for both sides usually. However, if a stronger team lasts 20+ minutes as Survivors, then I think it's fair to give the weaker team a chance to last 10+ minutes without buying an early Tank. I'd say this varies with the early scripted Tanks. Results will vary depending on how much damage that the scripted Tank player WANTS to inflict on the Survivors. I'd say that there's 2 good options for an experienced/skilled Infected player to choose from in case they earn 50+ points really early in a round. 1: They can just buy Witches that round instead of buying Tanks at all (especially against a weaker team in stacked games) 2: They can just be patient by saving a Tank heal, and finally purchase their Tanks once the Survivors are near the 2nd half of the chapter (which is useful in more competitive, 50/50 games). I think a useful rule of thumb for Infected players is to generally wait to buy their Tanks until the Survivors reach the halfway mark into a chapter, and/or until they reach the first crescendo horde event. Now I'm occasionally guilty of buying an early Tank once in a while. I usually only do it out of frustration, and/or if I'm desperate to shorten the other team's Survivor rounds after they shortened our Survivor rounds previously. I try NOT do that though. It's just good courtesy to just let the other team have their turn in having a decent Survivor round. I don't see the need to just end the whole round in under 5 minutes in normal games (or under 10 minutes in cases where one team lasted 20+ minutes as Survivors). Lastly, I think it's important to add that the Boomer's distribution of points will NEVER be perfect. Boomers are the only Special Infected that can still do damage up to 20+ seconds after their death. Chargers, Hunters, Jockeys, and Smokers are pretty much done doing damage IMMEDIATELY after their deaths. Spitters can still do damage 5+ seconds after their death. You also got to factor in the difficulty of successfully blinding more than 5 Survivors, which SHOULD earn you a greater number of points as your reward. If you only blind 1 Survivor, then you only (previously) earn 1.25+ points; which doesn't earn you much if the Survivors just shoot or light up all the commons. If you blind ALL 10 Survivors, then you (previously) earn 12.50+ points; which would be well-deserved because this is SO rare & difficult to do on a full server. There is also the fact that the Hordes aren't always consistent. Sometimes, the commons do absolutely no damage to a group of experienced Survivors; which gives you no bonus points. There's some cases where the commons do moderate damage, so you earn a fair number of bonus points. There are also some other cases where the overwhelming number of commons just CRIPPLE the blinded Survivors, and you earn a great number of bonus points. Like I said, the Boomer's distribution of points will ALWAYS be a flawed system because there are a various wide number of factors & scenarios with how the Hordes play out. They can range from being completely useless to being a HUGE burden to the Survivors. On average, they're usually right in the middle of that scale. The average number of targets that I successfully blind per full game is usually 2-3 Survivors. That ranges between 2.50+ through 3.75+ points previously; which isn't really that much points, but the total number of additional bonus points vary depending if your Hordes are useful or not. Overall, the bigger issue here is that some experienced/skilled Infected players refuse to be patient with their Tank purchases, and they just buy their Tanks in under 5 minutes. Infected players earning 50+ points relatively fast wouldn't be a problem if they just simply bought Witches when the game is looking one-sided, OR they just farm up for the Tank heal and wait to buy their Tanks around the halfway point in a chapter (which WILL benefit them in the long run because they'll have more teammates that have Tank points too). Part 2 will basically be me giving constructive pointers about WHEN & WHERE is the earliest point that it's okay to buy a Tank per chapter. Part 3 will just be me discussing the Finales since I KNOW Part 2 will be lengthy.
Use this thread to post about any bugs you encounter in any of the L4D2 servers, as well as any concerns or issues you see or run in to. Be sure to include as much detail as possible, such as the server name/number, date/time of encounter (if necessary), and any other relevant details that could help to resolve it.
I always get popped in the air by humans and bots as a boomer but it is crazy easy to farm points still, especially with all the achievements boomer gets by booming and from hordes. Doesn't the smoker's smoke cause a horde too? I wonder if something can be added in for that. But yes I agree we should not be getting tanks within 3 minutes. But we do have some exceptionally good players as infected who can do this and it sucks to punish them for skill. But it really makes it hard on the other team and leads to rage quits which has been a problem with L4D verses forever.
Hey dude. What made you leave USA? What do you love about it over there? Can't say I blame you! lol
"Only in my mind" Okay, you have poor reading comprehension skills. I get it. It's not like I literally JUST explained why Boomers are useful, or listed their multiple strengths just up above lol But HEY, those evil Boomers are SO useless, right? Why don't we just remove Boomers from the server completely then? Let's go test that theory out then. I GUARANTEE most of your Infected ambushes will fail even more without having anything to blind the Survivors, especially with the number of sharpshooters on this server that can efficiently kill the Special Infected, and deny their attacks. Let me tell you: It's PRETTY easy for me to kill your Smokers without any distractions or without anything blocking my vision. You're gonna have an even tougher time pulling your targets when they have CLEAR vision, and FEWER commons surrounding them. Boomers are SO useless that you somehow felt the need to whine about them being 'overpowered' on this thread. Nah, it's fine. PLEASE just reduce the number of Boomer points, or just remove Boomers entirely from the server then. By ALL means, make it easier for us players who love playing Survivors in those longer rounds. All you want to do is delay your Boomer + Infected teammates from earning their Tanks fairly. If Tanks are SO easy to purchase, then please play a WHOLE game using JUST the Boomer yourself on a full server against a team of experienced human players (especially on a stacked team). I expect you to earn 50+ points within 3-5 minutes then. Boomers are 'easy' and require 'no' skill, amirite? "College boy." Lol is being educated supposed to be an insult? I'm already AWARE of the Boomer's point distribution. However, you still actually need to do the ACTUAL work as the Boomer to REAP THE BENEFITS of those earned points. Those (50) Boomer points aren't gift-wrapped for you all at once in 1 turn. You STILL need to earn those points without being skeeted in midair, or without being denied by the Survivors. Besides, I already graduated with a Master's degree in Biological Sciences last December (and earned my Bachelor's degree before that on August 2019). I'm already retired from school permanently after 21 continuous years. Maybe you should go back to school though. It might help out with your grammar! "Talk a lot... but you don't say anything." That's because you're incapable of reading lengthy posts, or of reasoning with anyone who disagrees with you. That's all.
You get full points for real people and bots Yeah that sounds fair . Super Useful.? only in your mind carlos “Tanks should be hard to get.” No, they already ARE challenging to get. not the way it is now I guess if you actually put some hours in you might see that college boy You talk a lot of crap CB but you dont say anything
shaftiel started following Just saying hi!
Just wandering by and thought I’d check in Been a while everyone! I’m living in New Zealand just outside Wellington, and moved here from California 2 years ago. Love it here Hope everyone is doing well, and if you are ever in NZ give me a call Shaftiel
Nah, I’ve heard enough. Boomers do “no” damage even though they’re often the ones that initiate ambushes for the Special Infected, and they make it easier for your Infected teammates to attack the Survivors when they’re blinded. They also summon the Hordes too, which increases the amount of damage for these attacks and ambushes too. Just ask your Tank teammates who struggle to throw rocks, and/or do any physical damage to an entire team of Survivors who all have green health (or at least have above 50 HP) with Tier 2 weapons. Even if NO hordes spawn to attack the humans and cause no physical damage (or the commons all just get killed before they even get the chance to hurt the blinded Survivors), should Boomer players get 0 points then? Should they get no reward then for actually being successful with their primary attack (and causing HUGE assistance for your Infected teammates)? Acting like playing as the Boomer will automatically gift you a Tank within 3-5 minutes is pretty funny. You REALLY think it’s that easy? Okay, try doing that against a team filled with experienced & skilled Survivor players then. By the way, I’m not talking about longevity, or about being on the server for a long while. I’m referring to Survivor players who can actually kill the Special Infected in midair (especially the rocket Boomers) multiple times, and efficiently counter their attacks in quick fashion. Hell, try ‘Vanilla Booming’ (which means playing as the Boomer without rocket jumping) without spawning too early or giving your spot away quickly. The Boomer is loud, and it has extremely low health. It’s easy to shut down Boomers, especially when you’re not in close quarters. I can tell you from firsthand experience that earning Tank points in 3-5 minutes is difficult in actual GREAT/GOOD maps like Dark Carnival, The Parish, The Sacrifice (only when the server is full), Swamp Fever, Dead Center, and most of No Mercy. It’s generally why Survivor rounds generally last much longer in those campaigns. You actually have to successfully manage to get NEAR the Survivors to blind them without getting skeeted in midair, or without getting denied. It’s not nearly as easy as some folks think it is here lol I’ve had multiple Infected rounds where I struggle to earn Tank points because I don’t bile enough Survivors per spawn, or my Boomer attacks just end up getting skeeted or denied most of the time (although I occasionally DO get ridiculed for booming 5-10 Survivors funnily enough). That’s USUALLY because I end up playing against a Survivor team that consists of skillful, and accurate sharpshooters who know how to counterattack. “Tanks should be hard to get.” No, they already ARE challenging to get. Once again, if you’re playing against a team of experienced/skilled Survivor players, they SHOULD make it more difficult for Infected players to earn Tank points (although that DEPENDS on the maps we play). If you’re playing on trashy maps like Death Toll, Dead Air, Blood Harvest, and The Passing where the super-friendly Infected environment + abundance of early scripted Tanks make it easy for Infected players to farm Tank points quicker; then yea, earning Tank points and wiping out the Survivors will generally be easy. Survivors rarely even make it to the 10-minute mark in those relatively quick rounds for those maps. Reducing Boomer points isn’t gonna make rounds any easier for Infected players. If anything, you’re just making it even less challenging for Survivors to last longer (which will be fine for me when I get to kill zombies for a longer period of time). However, you automatically lose the right to complain as an Infected player when the Survivors will inevitably be more likely to survive longer near the end of a lengthy chapter; especially when playing against a stacked team. The most skillful/best Boomer players will ALWAYS find a way to earn points quicker than others by spending as little time in the air as possible with their rocket jumps, by using an unpredictable/complicated rocket pathway in midair to trick the Survivors, by spawning strategically close to the Survivors without giving away your positions, or by puking while you crouch behind rooftops without the Survivors getting a good shot on you. Great and skillful players will always find a way to earn Tank points quicker with or without the reduction of Boomer points. I do love the cute little dig with the quotation marks around ‘good’ players though, especially coming from someone who rarely ever wipes a whole Survivor team with his own Tanks. We already work hard enough to earn our points while causing plenty of damage, and it’s not JUST by playing Boomer lol Honestly, I agree with your move, Soda. Let’s keep the Boomer point value at 1.00 for now! If Boomers are going to be punished for being super useful and resourceful by making it more tougher for them to buy Tanks in the future (especially against stacked teams), then be my guest! I value playing as Survivors MUCH more anyway. If this means the average Survivor round will last just a bit longer going forward, then yea, I’ll take this as a win. Either Boomers continue to be rewarded for being super useful for the Infected team, or Survivors get to last even longer with Tank purchases being slightly delayed by veteran players. Take your pick. It sounds good and promising to me either way
I'll change the value to 1.00 for boomers and will see how people feel about it
thank you
It was 1.0 up until a few days ago Tanks should be HARD to get .You shouldnt be able to buy a tank with the first 3 minutes of the game Boomers cause no damage . They should get the points from the CI attacking. I almost agree with Archer ( the wise person that they are) but i think .50 is . Maybe the "good " players will actually have to work to get a tank Edit I think chargers should get the .75
The point reward for booming a survivor is set to a flat value which we can control in the config file. Currently it's set as 1.25. My personal take on the point reward would be 1.00 point for booming a player survivor, and 0.50 for a bot survivor. Then similarly I would also cut the common damage bonus in half for damage done to bot survivors by the common. I remember back in the day when it was 2 points per survivor boomed, that was wild lol Anyways let me know what you think
Just had to flip a value in the config - should be back now! Let me know if it still doesn't work
boomers now get 1.25 and same amount of points for real person or bot same with chargers Edit Chargers get 1.0 now
yeah i think boomer contact points should be lower. Perhaps .75 per survivor who got covered in zombie vomit. Lets consider for a second that the boomer is primarily an offensive point of contact via blinding. There is also the bonus of common attacking them to increase point accumulation. Its the only SI which can accumulate 3 achievements from 1 attack. (boom 10 = group shower, then the one before great expectoration's, then the one where common beat them up after, plus the points for the 10 boom and well theres your tank). Should probably have some better math thrown at it tbh.