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Posts posted by whudats

  1. ZD why do you favor censorship so much?

    censorship is wrong


    if the troops get so mad about these letters from little kids then i really question there intelligence.


    It's not so much censorship as it is sensibility. Being a soldier, former active currently reserve, I know wht it feels like to be on the end of both support and disdain. When you are involved in the Global War on Terrorism, whether deployed or not, overseas or not, the last thing you want to receive is a box full of letters that, initially, seem to be supportive. Only to find out as you read them that almost 50% express disapproval or question what the soldiers are doing.


    If you want to send letters like that, send them to congress and the president. They are the policy makers and the ones who make the decisions. Soldiers don't need to be questioned or doubted about what they are doing.

  2. But where is the line drawn?


    I don't know where the line is drawn, but it is going to take some serious work to make these kinds of lawsuits end.


    What happened to calling a kid's parents and giving them an earful?


    That's what happened I got caught with my friend Rob after "ding-dong-ditching" a neighbor with two labradors...they sniffed us out...we didn't end up in court...we ended up with a good ol' fashioned spanking and a two week grounding!

  3. I'll be 30 in June.


    "Old" is a state of mind, as many of you know. My girlfriend thinks I act like I'm 45, but that's because I have too much life experience for 30 year old.


    Playing games helps keep you young at heart, I think. The day I don't want to play games because I think I'm too old is the day I throw in the towel...

  4. I would like to say my grandfather, who died when I was ten. He did a lot of high-speed covert stuff during WW II, and I wish I could have spoken to him about it. I just remember him being a real kind man.


    Since someone already mentioned their grandfather, I'd like to talk to Alexander the Great. I'd like to see if it was military genius, incredible ambition, or great soldiers that enabled him to do what he did.

  5. To Whom it May Concern:


    I might not be set up correctly on the servers or something because I either keep getting kicked or can't join when it's full. I'm specifically talking about the SCOPELESS server. That's the only one I play in...


    Is there something I need to do on my end to get my reserve slot? :unsure:



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