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Posts posted by pagan

  1. Check out these fun spots I found in cs_compound! You can get to all of them without changing the gravity. The CT roof boost requires only two people but the T roof requires three. There are actually two ways up the middle building; the ct-side face is the much harder one. Shout out to Lazerus for helping me late into the night. Red bull gives you wings!








  2. hey m2, do you have the screenshot of me at the top in that first one? i'd like it, thanks.

    that spot is straight up kz. this one isnt so hard, check out my 'with a vengance' post. that first one in train is really hard!

  3. to get that many posts you must post every day! you must post things that provide absolutely no new content! much unlike this post. harharhar

    woot 87

  4. yeah its sad about hootie. he has gone down the tubes. he just needs money i guess. another thing, who is that chick on the swing at the end that says "come and get it!"? she looks familiar.

  5. i just beat painkiller on insomnia, and i heard that there is an alternate ending when you beat it on the hardest setting. i was just curious to as if anyone has seen it. and if so, whats it like.

    that is all.

  6. i've played one year as each nogood and violent. (aka violent games research). it was lame so i changed my name for source. i had just finished 'the da vinci code', and was reading up on pagan symbolism. i was born and raised a catholic, but i enjoy taking classes in theology and reading about other religions. i change my name every time i move, so i threw"pagan" out there and never gave it a second thought. its not the best of names, but its short and relatively unused. i used to have a little phi symbol at the end of my name, but it got editted off somewhere.


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