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Posts posted by normal

  1. w/out being able to view the video its impossible to come to a conclusion. If the man was coherent and gravely injured then I believe it to be wrong to terminate his life w/out asking first...to see if he'd prefer a bullet to the brain rather then just petering out.


    If the man was having spasms I would prefer to see him treated and taken with the company, but not being taken to a hospital until the end of their mission (unless doing so would not comprimise it).


    But from reading what you posted its possible that they could have shot him because he was the 'enemy' and the soldiers involved would stick to a story they've concocted.


    Who knows <shrug>

  2. was just curious about this game. I play eq2 but i'm not going to snub a new game if its more fun. I was just curious if anyone here has played it and what their opinion is. comparisons are great (ex: plays like CoH)



  3. That and ST3, but that is my DJ name.


    i used to just use my dj name djtool...what do you play?


    oh and I just made up normal on the fly...i don't play exceptionally well or poorly...just normal.


    I used to go by 'mr. poopy pants' because one day my fiance' brought our son up next to me and said 'get a load of this'. I turned my face into a full diaper. That particular diaper was <ahem> full of inspiration so I changed my name. That was considered inappropriate to my surprise so just changed it back to normal.

  4. boxing is a manly thing. not so manly are the reality tv shows that get frequent use in my household. Tv is only good for me for sports. Here's the favorites of my fiance' (and thusly me :thumbsup: )



    outback jack

    survivor vanuatau

    project runway

    nice n jessica

    america's top model


    soon bravo is doing a reality show on owners of show dogs. She is EAGERLY anticipating that one.

  5. Normal if you want a clan me and you could hook up and get something organised, get a few more people involved to etc then enter this league


    yeah I guess I don't know what that entails. I have a son and both myself and my fiance' work so play time is primarily restricted to certain times of the day. I suppose it'd be cool to see what its all about though <shrug>

  6. I see this remarked on no-swearing servers all the time. The answer is simple. Your trying to draw a correlation from two completely different activities.


    There are two different types of interaction that takes place in CS:S. One is the game itself and the other is the chat.


    yes the game is violent, but other than having an ideological conflict with the context of the game its not offensive. Shooting at each other is what its about and there's nothing personal about that.


    The chat however can be very personal. The context of that intereaction is solely to communicate with others. More often than not the wordplay is vulgar and not very intelligent nor constuctive. That is why it can be refreshing for some to have a place to play where the amount of vulgar and typically juvenille behavior is kept to a minimum.


    that is my explanation <shrug>

  7. Good points.


      I'm going to guess, however, that you resisted, either by silence or verbally...in some way.  I would gamble that the "or else" wasn't the first thing that came down the wire.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Thanks for posting.


    nah just changed my name real quick. there was a minor stink that i didn't do it sooner but i don't read txt too much when i'm trying to kill and live. Both of which i find pretty challenging.


    that's fine if 'poopy' is discouraged...its a privately owned site after all. Being so aggressive about changing it and playing the 'ban' card so quickly were not necessary. Also having it for so long before being told its a problem presents a breakdown in continuity. I've never cussed except once by typing 'om*' which didn't even occur to me, so the lack of continuity was a little confusing to me.


    I disagree entirely about the communist thing, but again its your site.

  8. when I first started playing on your server (can't remember the ISP) I went under the name normal. I like playing here 'cause i'm 30 and the juvenille word-play often found on CS:S servers doesn't interest me in the least.


    I think some of the .gc members are getting a little overzealous with the 'no profanity' ideaology. The other day a member wanted a guy named 'communist' to change his name. There's nothing profane about that its just an economic policy.


    I had recently changed my name to 'Mr. Poopy Pants' because my fiance' one night, on the way to the changing table, dropped my 1yr old sons butt in my face and said 'smell that one'. It was just a funny thing. Today i'm told I have to change it 'or else'. I've been playing with that handle for a while but none-the-less there is hardly anything offensive about the word 'poopy'.


    It seems to me that the ideals that make your servers a nice place to play can be taken too far and have the opposite effect. When a word or phrase is in question I'd like to ask .gc members to ask themselves if they wouldn't mind their children hearing that word or phrase on tv or in a movie before just throwing out 'change or elses'.


    Thank you


    eric b


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