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Posts posted by Kilzugud

  1. I wonder how much that is worth.



    i could be wrong and in sure its worth more now but back about 5 years ago they were selling for close to half a mill. i think shazz could prob. answer this better seeing as he is quite the collector of lots of things.

  2. is a 06 stang, love the classic look, the windows will be tinted in a month prolly



    so this is where our monthly dues go... lol, nice car bud.

  3. pretty cool, but i wouldn't drive across 4 states with it.


    what's the 0-60 on this baby?11.gif



    havent found out yet, lol. will let you know.

  4. Nioce...you're bringing that to FF right? Let me just double check my medical insurance...


    I bet the Army would love to find out you just bought that..."Wait...doesn't he have a bum knee?"



    lol i told you it was parked, besides, my money bought it. lol. i might drive it down to FF and just rent a computer but i will have to see if my knee can handle a ride like that. still a ways out so who knows but thx guys.

  5. i have been wanting a bike here now for awhile but just havent been able to make up my mind on what i wanted. well here this last monday i finally made up my mind and bought a '06 honda shadow aero. its awesome! however, the sad part is its just sitting in my garage for right now until my knee is 100%. i managed to drive it the 3 miles home from the honda dealer but it wasnt comfortable at all, lol. but yea take a lookeroo.


    heres the link to the website:



    heres a picture of the exact color and model i got:


  6. <Grabs the cigs from the toilet and places them on the heater to dry. Sees Mo approaching......Hey Mo, my smokes are sitting over on that heater, help yourself if you want one.>




    I'm replused by smoking it makes my stomach turn... my dislike for smoking is x10 if i'm inebriated. All of you smokers will prolly find me annoying or not find me at all.



    JUST YOU TRY AND STOP ME! lol, j/k but yea i smoked outside unless i was drinkin in the bar. either way, everyone needs a habit and mine happens to be that. just be glad it isnt indecent exposure in public places or something like that.

  7. its way better then bf2 for PC. this has been taking up alot of my time. its a blast. i have been pretty laid up lately after my surgery and this is the perfect distraction. it easier to lay on the couch and play this then sit at the computer and play CS:S right now becuase of the brace. i have to say though that so far BF2 for 360 is right up there with ghost recon and probaly one of the best games yet for 360.

  8. i go this from a friend. its worth reading, its pretty interesting and i wonder if this would actually have any affect on them.






    Body: We are going to hit close to $4.00 a gallon by the summer. Want gasoline

    prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent, united action.


    Phillip Hollsworth, offered this good idea:

    This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain day"

    campaign that was going around last April or May!




    The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't

    continue to "hurt" ourselves by refusing to buy gas. It was more of an

    inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever thought of

    this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.




    Please read it and join with us!




    By now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about $1.50 is

    super cheap. Me too! It is currently $2.75 for regular unleaded in my town.




    Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to

    think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50-$1.75, we need to

    take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the

    marketplace.... not sellers.




    With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need

    to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down

    is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas!




    And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.




    How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas. But

    we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a price





    Here's the idea:




    For the rest of this year, DON"T purchase ANY gasoline from the two

    biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If they are not

    selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they

    reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.




    But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon

    and Mobil gas buyers. It's really simple to do!! Now, don't whimp (sic) out

    on me at this point... keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to

    reach millions of people!!


    i go this from a friend. its worth reading, its pretty interesting and i wonder if this would actually have any affect on them.


    I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it

    to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at least

    ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches

    the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION





    If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends

    each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level

    further, you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!! Again, all you

    have to do is send this to 10 people and DON"T purchase ANY gasoline from

    EXXON and MOBIL. That's all.


    How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to

    ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!! I'll bet you didn't

    think you and I had that much potential, did you! Acting together we can

    make a difference.

  9. just let me know when u all are going to be up there..i mean i am really ready to go now but let me know if that is cool to hang in ur room



    ill send a PM off to anon but i know hell be cool with it. we, or at least i, am gettin there friday morning. i think he is gettin there thursday night but im not 100% positive on that. i have to work thursday till 6p.m. cst then i will leaving right away from there. im guessing it will take me around 14 hours to get there or so but i may stop to sleep for a few. either way i will be there before registration opens to talk to fatty and the other staff about a couple things concerning security. so yea, plan on rooming with us. we can figure out the sleeping arrangements later. glad your comin back for another round. this time ill take your money in poker instead of you cleaning me out. ttyl.


    p.s. im sure it will be a smoking room if that is ok.

  10. looking to room with someone up there......if there is an opening let me know..if not i need a person or two or seven to go in with me for a room......just let me know




    whats up tutt?!? not sure if you remember me but im sure you would be more then welcome to share a room with anonymo and myself. let me know if this works or your interested so i can let anonymo know.

  11. lol, lousy excuse. i am paying $563 a month for my edumacashonn on top of a mortgage and car payment. what im tryin to say is... theres always a way to work it out.


    what if i give you a ride, then you wont have to pay jack to get down there and back. i will pay for the gas. then all you have to pay for is your room and food. would that help?

  12. Hey Kilzzzzzzzz!! Hope your knee heals 100%!! I wil be praying for you! Look forward to seeing you soon! :)



    hey bud, glad to see you are still around also!! it will probaly be a good 6-8 weeks before anyone sees me online playin but who knows. thx for your prayers.

  13. Back on the 27th of Feb. i was running a land navigation course with some of my guys. it was a long and pretty extensive course with several unforgiving obstacles that we had to overcome. in the last 4 mile stretch of the course i blew out my knee. to keep it short and simple i missed a step on the rocks and had a little fall. at first they didnt think it was going to be too bad but as time went on surgery was inevitable. so i will be headed in here friday of this week to have surgery on my left knee(what a way to spend my birthday on saturday... in the hospital). the recoop time isnt extremely long but its long enough that they have decided to pull me from my deployment. that was good and bad, but for personal reasons so i wont get into how i feel about it.


    so long story short it looks like i will be at FF for sure. i am very excited about seeing people i met last year and meeting the new people this year. the reason for this post is to let everyone know whats been going on and its also because i will need 2 or 3 people to give me a hand. i will be helping fatty out with security and would also like a couple of people to help me out. it isnt going to be that indepth we are just basically there to make sure no one is around our stuff that shouldnt be and that none of it disappears. so if you are interested please send me a PM and i will get back to you as soon as possible. thx guys for all your support and i am looking foward to seeing all of you in july!!!

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