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CT Hell

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Posts posted by CT Hell

  1. NOT TO BEAT A DEAD HORSE.... and how this horse seems to revive CS style... I didn't swear after the first warning... and I feel... and may I suggest most who have read this as well... IT IS A DEAD SUBJECT. Feel free to post a link to the topic for future discussions which you wish to end... and someone PLEASE LOCK THE THREAD.


    that is my $.05



  2. I would appreciate the ban being lifted... most of the time it is a fun game, sometimes I want to go kick the neighbors dog (J/K :shrug03: ).


    I would like to see the issue addressed if the teams are way off-ballanced tho. I see someone else posted that issue as well. Good to see I wasn't imagining anything. Scores like 18 v. 3 are just frustrating. Some of the best matches I have played there was no massive lead by any one team.


    I would challenge the more experienced players to play on the team that has the disadvantage, even if you aren't playing your favorite side (ie T or CT).


    I appreciate your time with the unbanning and look forward to playing with ya'll in the future.

  3. Mr. Duke,

    I do like your response to my post, to which I would like to respond.


    A player is never banned unless he doesn't follow the rules. Why do you need more than 1 warning for swearing? If you are warned for your language and don't agree with it, go play on a server that allows it. There's 4000+ servers out there for people who like to swear. We don't like it and don't allow it. It's not that we can't, we just choose not to. It's all about choice--you chose not to swear in your post. Why is that?


    I was warned, and after that I did stop swearing. I questioned the policy (granted still ticked off at the imbalance) and mentioned bleeding heart liberal, and after that comment was banned. Just as in my post, there was NO FURTHER SWEARING. I was, and am, trying to have an intelligent conversation, albiet while still trying to relay my frustration. Without cursing, without using anything racial or overtly raunchy such as comments concerning ones family or their upbringing... there was none of that. I just want to clarify that.



    Brillow Head,

    Also a nice post. I agree with not having disruptive play. I don't think asking a question is disruptive. I didn't spam any message, I wasn't spamming anything. I asked a question that someone else also referred to, and then made a comment... all following the stated policy. As I stated earlier I was upset, but I still followed the rules. I believe the banning was a too quick without regard for the big picture. I am not saying all your admins are bad, I am not saying the admin that banned me is 'bad'... I am saying his decision was a little fast and I don't believe that after my warning I did anything to merit the action.



    Hey Stepback....


    #1 people like you make the atmosphere suck. This community thrives on playing not trash talking! try it sometime.


    Seems like trash talk on the board is alive and well (from some members).... I don't suck btw, I was frustrated.


    Anyway... I enjoyed reading the responses where people actually put some thought into them. It seems like this board, (and prolly most of the people playing the game) are pretty cool. I apologize if my actions were disruptive, I was frustrated and upset. However, I still think the banning was not warranted.


    Thank you everyone for your time whether it was posting or reading our discussion.



  4. It continually amazes me that a game designed to promote killing and death, is run and administered by those promoting peace and a "why can't we all get along?" attitude. How is it that a player is banned for adhering to a policy? Point in case... a warning to "WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" is followed by a simple comment that blood and gore is alright, but no swearing, what is up with that? When the comment is made WITHOUT ANY SWEARING, why is a banning to follow? Is the admin so thin-skinned, immature, and unable to allow a 'LITTLE' disharmony in their virtual world that they must begin banning players who are not tight-lipped or conformists? Makes one wonder how they would be in a real-life leadership position? Stalin-istic, Hitler-istic? Seems like the ability to choose an admin based an ability to address a concern and be able to do so in an intelligent manner, allowing ALL sides to bring to the front their position, would be more beneficial in the long-run. Lord knows there was plenty of time to discuss anything, as the teams in this instance were particularly one-sided. Now, I know you can bring the argument "It is our server and we can do whatever we want!" OK, don't make it public then... I really feel owning a PUBLIC server but not allowing PUBLIC opinion is like moving to the United States from some other part of the world and expecting the U.S. to cater to your beliefs. But I am straying from the topic.... I would have just liked to see a little understanding, considering that when we ALL play CS we DO get frustrated at losing time after time after time.... and venting is bound to occur in one way, shape or form... or perhaps bleeding heart liberal is also considering cursing on your PUBLIC server. IMHO your actions admin today were in every way immature as any comment made trying to vent at multiple losses. :boo:

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