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Everything posted by MikioZen

  1. it is at glastonbury, Connecticut either winter vaca or feb. vaca. Drew, Adam and I have 3 places where it could be held. POC club near addison, the Irish american society place and the PCGA at buckland mall. The admittion would have to be around 35 buck for food place rental and prizes. prolly hopeing to get around 30-50 people and plz if come and i hear anyone asking me how to set up your comp or add it to the network i will go crazy. minimal computer literacy is req. to do those things...find out how to do it before you come. plz reply if you have networking supplies such as hubs and ethernet wires that you will bring and also label them with your name so you dont get them lost. I appreciate your interest and excitement but this idea is still a up in the air. note: the pcga has about 40 comps there so if we do have a verybing turn out we might have to give people the shaft <www.pcgamingarena.com> (note:I offered my webdesign services to the owner but he said no and see what happened?...I only damanded 1000 dollars) The other places are houses avaible for rent and they have tons of tables and stuff....but we need people to supervise that are 20+ at least 3 ask your parents. -------------- Rebel...
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