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Posts posted by Mr.Mustard

  1. Only reason we dont get as good ping is b/c we live in FL. We've far away from everything. Perhaps a Cuban, GD server? Except it would probably be regulated and everyone would have to join Terrorists?

  2. How about a key jar or something? If you're drinking then you have to drop em off before you start. To pick them up, you most demonstrate soberness or be riding w/ someone else driving.

  3. Cards sounds awsome, I play in the poker room at Derby Lane, $10max pot, 2-3 times a week. Always 7 card stud. I would have fun just dealing even :) 7 card is for about 3-7 players btw.

    Also I like to play spades and hearts if anyone is into that.

    BF1942! WOOT! I'm there!

    Looking for cool old games check this site out: www.the-underdogs.org

    BTW does anyone have a 5.25 drive and I'll bring a few of those. :ph34r: I really want to get two of them on 3.5 or CDs anyways.

    STARCRAFT and WC3!

    Well that's all I can think of right now. It is 6:30 EST after all. :blink:

  4. Lol when I first got my licence if the guy in front of me wasn't going at least 10mph over I was passing him. I never got road rage, but I sure liked to drive fast. Now I pretty much stick to the speed limit, +/-5mph or so, but I did get a major case of road rage a few years ago. I was driving my 3/4 ton Chevy Scottsdale, a massive truck btw, and this arse comes flying by and almost runs me off the road in his little Yota. So anyways I'm tinkled and I floor it. I pull up in front of the guy and begin to slow down...not too fast, but enough. He tries to change lanes and go around me again, but I cut him off and stay right in front as I continue to slow down. We finally get down to about 30mph in a 55 and coming up on a redlight. So...I let him by and then pull right up on his rear. As we're sitting at the red light, I begin to slowly nudge his car out into the intersection and naturally he's freaking out by now. Light changes to green, he takes off like a bullet and I lmao.

  5. Sounds like things are really coming along. I hope that we can make this 18+ for the same reason as many other, to see more ppl. Markers was a great idea. I.D. at the door and mark em up if not 21+. I'll even bring the "We I.D.!" sign. ;) Also the trans in my camry went out on me last week so I won't be driving up from FL in it. Can someone come pick me up?


    Actually I'm getting rid of it and now have a wonderfull family "wagon" :/ So I got room for about 3-4 w/ equipment :) So anyone that wants to catch a ride/carpool let me know and maybe we can work something out.

  6. My first MMFPS was the first Tribes. I was super hooked on it and didn't buy CS until right before Tribes2 was released. Anyways I searched around for awhile and landed on Mmmm's TangoT1 server. That was back when there was Tango, Delta, and Alpha. Well when Tango went down I kinda disappeared for awhile and then on a whim I thought, "Wonder what ever happened to that Mmmm clan?" So I searched the net and found the site; been here since.

  7. I'm planning on going up there, but only if the plan is still going to be having it in July b/c I'm gonna be driving up from FL. Need a vacation from the ole lady :)


    Wow just noticed how bad that grammar is. Just got off work and I'm too exausted to fix it. o0o

  8. And who are you? And where did you get this list? I've never so much as downloaded a cheat onto my computer, much less actaully used one. This is quiet insulting. I've been around this community for over two years now and NEVER have I been accused of cheating. So what's up?

  9. Lets see if we can sum this up in one post...


    1. Started out...


    don't use our forums to flame them
    Apparently Mmmm doesn't want their forums used to flame S-T. Advertize? Sure. Flame? No ..... understandable


    2. Then....


    Slayer comes into Pr0d under alias and says: Nice laggy server.


    and so we have this long thread of what IMHO is complete and total BS! So I'd thought I'd add my 2 logs....


    First off you didn't get banned b/c of what you did in one instance. Fact is your clan has a reputation for causing trouble and being a bit, lets say raw. So you come into a server, say a smart comment, and the result is you get a short ban. More like a slap on the wrist that says, "I'm/We're not going to put up w/ smartass comments or attitude problems here." Unfortunately it had to be made into a big deal. So here's what I say...


    Slayer, you were the smartass, not fat. Take your punishment and shut it.


    For the rest of S-T, if you want to be a part of this community then alright by me, but this community is unlike any other. We come here for friendly competition and a good time, not to hear the trash talk and constant bs that tends to take up resedence on other servers outside of this community.


    For the rest of the community, I will always backup Fat 110%. Sure he's an donkey sometimes, but many times that is what it takes to get a point across and maintain the peace. In this case there was an entity that threatened that peace and he took affirmative action. I say go fat...another one bites the dust. GG

  10. Well....


    If this actually happens in July I'll probably go. Any other month and it may be a bit more difficult. I'll be in South GA at the time so that means I'll go through pretty much all of Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and finally into Ohio. (For those wondering wth I'm coming all the way from GA, it's b/c I got wife and kids and need a break BIG-TIME!)


    So I'll carpool a few guys (no more than 3), but you have to find your own way to the interstate. I-75 Also I'm not picking up a bunch of kids, so you best be over 21 or forget about it. So that's that. 3ppl, over 21, find your own way to the interstate.

  11. Yah Old Man Mustard!


    Sheesh I'm only 24!


    Thanks you guys. I just got off work and was tinkled about that, but you really cheered me up :)

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