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Posts posted by Tiglath

  1. Its pretty rare that one person will make a huge difference.



    The last few days I've noticed this has been happening a lot more. I've seen several players going 60-5, 40-2, 35-4 etc. etc. (These aren't regulars mind you, at least not that I recognize from west) And it's just ONE person, and it throws the entire game out of wack. It doesn't matter how organized the other team is, that one player ends up unbalancing the entire game. Not only that, but I've noticed clans coming in and all joining the same team which ends up, more often than not, unbalancing things. This is just in the past week I've started to notice. And of course once the map switches and everyone remembers what happened last map they all try to join that guys team.


    Just tonight I played about 8 or 9 maps in a row where it was just one guy controlling the game play. Every map ended up being won by the team he was on, he switched every once in a while, but whats the fun in watching one guy every round take out half the other team. Before that there was another guy who only played T and for 3 or 4 straight maps the team scores were something like 10-2, 10-1 until the guy finally left on Italy and things evened out again.


    I'm not one to yell hacker, but when 90% of someones kills are consistently first shot headkills I start getting annoyed. They may or may not be hackers, they could just be real pro's. But even one of them just makes it not fun.


    I know theres nothing to be done about those guys, I'd just as soon not play when their on anyway. Just venting.


    As for team balance issues, 90% of the time I'll play CT, not because of map considerations or anything like that. But because my favorite weapon, tmp, can only be bought as a CT. I usually play CT on Italy and Assault, two of the worst maps to be a CT. If I'm asked to switch I usually will, but quite frankly I'm still a newb in general and my switching won't normally help the other team, unless I happen to be switching to CT in which case it might (10% chance I add anything).

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