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Posts posted by Wanderer

  1. Now, I'm not familiar with the counter-balancing on the other servers, since I only play on West, but so far as I've seen, it is a rare case whenever I'm on that the Ts on Aztec or the CTs on Italy get far past 3-4 wins. Maybe it's because I come on when said admins aren't around to help the losing team out.


    I guess I should be posting this on the West server forum, but usually speaking, even if there is an admin around, the round goes to 9 or 10 wins while the other team on said unbalanced maps have at most 3. I've only seen Whitey and John change the map when the unbalanced teams get out of hand.

  2. As I'm sure you've noticed, maps like Aztec and Prodigy are over fast due to the inherent disadvantages on the map for the Terrorists (I mean, when the CTs can get across the bridge before the Ts even get there, that's a big issue off the bat.).


    What I'm suggesting is that the defending teams on each map are restricted from buying awps. (CTs on de maps restricted from awps, Ts restricted on cs maps) If you ask me, defensive sniping makes the map impossible for the attacking team to attack as the attackers have to run into places which are advantageous for the defenders (all you need is 3 HEs at DD on aztec to kill everybody that rushes there, and one flash pretty much stops the rush).


    The reason why I'm not saying restrict awps in general is that offensive sniping has it's own inherent challenges, as you have to move into areas where the defenders might be lurking around the corner. Also, it prevents the defending team from taking advantage of the one or two people that rush the weak side and flank everybody on the attacking team.


    Thoughts on this? Is it even possible to have to server just restrict weapons based on what type of map it is? (If 'mapstring'[0] == d && 'mapstring'[1] == e) etc.


    Edit: If the attacking team dies and loses their awps to the defending team, then the defenders who get the awp can keep it. (It makes it all the more incentive to shoot awpers on the defending team).

  3. I'd come as long as it isn't a very inconvenient day.


    Like Finals Day during school. Or Move-in Day. >.>


    The two places I could be at are either in Cupertino (one of the suburbs of San Jose), or in Davis, CA.


    And as long as I don't have to train all the way down to LA. (5 hours on the train? ick.)

  4. Bounty Yes, Betting No if you ask me.


    More incentive for killing good players is a good thing.


    Giving free money (from obvious winnings from team stack and whatnot) is not. Why? It takes the challenge out of forcing players to deal with having less money (having to buy weaker/less effective guns). And if they can't deal with having weaker guns, then the map will be over quicker when the dominant side slaughters the weaker side.

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