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Posts posted by Patriot

  1. golly gee!, the funniest thing I think I have ever seen, that was great. L M A O. OHHHHHHH, tooo good to actually have seen. I never saw that, but from what I have read above, it must have been on awhile ago. Thanks for the laugh.

  2. Lol, Mrx, congrats to you too. We just came from the doctors office today and the due date is July 29th. Whooooohoooo. We already have a 3 and half year old boy, Hoping for a girl this round but to tell you the truth just want a healthy baby. Congrats again. Keep in touch.


    Back to the subject...Please in august. If my suggestion means anything to you, lol.

  3. It was funny the first couple of times, but after the 4th or 5th time is started to irritate me. The answer to this problem is not for me to leave the scene when it happens, like some might suggest. I do not have your solution guys but I can try not to whine so much about it. If you tell me to eat crap....I will eat crap.... but if you think this can be resolved so that it doesn't happen too often, well, that would be cool. Again, I enjoy a good slap or even a slay once in awhile...it makes me laugh and breaks the tention, so please do not stop doing it all together.

  4. Lol, Talent.


    Anyway, I am a democrat!!!...and I voted for Bush. Can you Blame me look who else would of been president...Mr. I created the internet Al Gore. Hehehe. I served under Bush's father and I serve under him. Lets not make it a politcal debate. Just wanted to know opinions... by the way can we respect the others opinions and not name call. It will make this topic much more fun. Anyway I am on my way into the server to hopefully bulk up my nade kills, just found out I dropped down to sixth from 4th. Lol. Good responses so far, lets keep it going.

  5. Many of you probably do not know that I am still in the Navy reserves.


    What is your opinion? Invasion or Tomahawk them to the ground or maybe just wait and see what is going to happen...I already know my opinion, so what is yours.


    By the way Just for your info I am a Desert Shield/ Desert Storm Veteran...if you were wondering. Guess what I think about Iraq. I am not quite sure about this thing with N. Korea though. Kind of has me wondering.

  6. How many people do you think will be there Fatty?

    And How long will we be gaming?

    Depending on those topics, I think I have...no I don't...wait...maybe...ahh haaa...yep I do have an idea. Lol.

  7. Ooooooo,

    Thats when the baby is due, can we possibly delay it till august, though july might not be bad, cause I will take vacation when the baby comes.Hehehehe.

  8. I used to go by the name Sharkbait, because I was a pilot rescue swimmer in the navy. It kinda fit me at the time. But as fate would have it I am still in the military only the reserves now. I love this country and have helped defend it for over 14 years as have many of you I am sure. But I started playing cs on a more competitive level and I usually give a good fight. "ALWAYS LOYAL AND WILLING TO LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS FRIENDS AND FELLOW MAN....HE IS PATRIOT"

  9. Fatty,

    The wife, kid and I went to the church for the first light new years eve party, It was a good time, stayed till 10:30 and came home, went to bed, I just got over the flu myself. Hope Your wife is doing well!!! Happy New Year.

  10. That is a nice deer, did you get it with a H.E. Nade or the mp5 lol, never mind didnt read the one above me. Nice huntin'. I got a 3 point last year and this year I think I got your deers son. Weighed in at an impressive 70 pounds. MMMMmmmm...good eatin'.

  11. By the way Fatty thanks, if you think hard, you'll know what I mean. I mean it in a good way, I appreciate your Vote of confidence. You too Mrx.


    By the way, during that last scrimmage, I was taken ill. I have had the stomach flu for about a week. Sorry I stunk the joint up so bad. But it was either play cs or sit in bed feeling sad for myself. Looking forward to redeeming myself though. Lol. I do not feel much better today, but will still be playing. A fine way to spend my vacation...sick with the flu and playin' CS. Whooohoooo!!! I take all responsibility for my FF and nade Tk's. Sorry Guys. Lmao.

  12. Who would of thought that this simple statement would be so popular?

    nice to see the responses, though it really didn't demand any, cool though to come back and see what people have to say. If you look at the number of views though, not many people have much to say at all. LOL.

  13. I do not judge this man called reverand, nor am I any kind of authority on right or wrong. I can only say this... people who fear being held accountable for their actions, whether past or present will find a reason to be right in their own eyes. This is because they know that what they do is wrong, but they do not know forgiveness, because they can not forgive themselves.They know what it feels like to have a brotherhood of men to keep them straight and to be redundant...held accountable. I myself have been humbled by my past and yes even on a daily basis. Again lets not loose the focus of why we must strive to be better, for if we do not, our words become actions and our actions will decide what kind of men and women we will become. Now lets go into the server and have a little nade party shall we. Lol.

  14. Hello All,


    I know that Fatty closed the topic from last night and I agree that he did so before we all say and do things that would compromise our integrity as Christians and God Fearing Men. My view may not be the same as yours and with respect I have read all of yours. Please give me the common courteousy of reading mine.


    This is my first time creating a subject and may very well be my last ! I plainly enjoy commenting on the already started topics. This in mind I will state my presence and view.


    As men we need to hold each other in check on our actions, words and the way we think. WE ALL are vulnerable to say and do things that well...just aren't right. We are human after all. Though I may not always agree with any one particular person, I can tell you this. I am held accountable for the things I do. I am held accountable for my actions towards friends and enemies. If you have issues with the just repercussions of your actions , then I tell you this brothers...think twice the next time. Being banned for breaking rules is not the end of the world. If you can not live by instructions and rules then maybe you should find another server to play on. I come here to play with several of you and have gotten to know a lot of you through this game. I. E. Wi1co, MRX, Zad, Leo, Ncc...lots of others. I enjoy seeing clan rivals. To me this is my stress relief program. I remember starting of playing Half-life when it first came out. Just look at where we are now. I llove to play where team work and tenacity rule. This is why I play. Those of you that are not further along in your walk of being held accountable should first look at yourself before judging other people. We are not here to judge each other, but on the other hand we need to have structure and accountability. That is why Fatty is the Man!!!



    Last but not least My opinion:


    Live by the Law. Play by the Law.

    Living by any other way could be devistating!!!

    This goes for everything in life.

    Author ( Patriot )


    Again just my view.

    Come on now lets go play and relieve some stress!!!

  15. Just like a good friend fatty, I called him and wished him a Merry Christmas... at 1:30 a.m. lol. I will call him once a day for an entire month from work courteousy of your bud. Patriot. (Mess with one of us and you mess with us All) Pay back for fatty.

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