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Mmmm Sanders

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Posts posted by Mmmm Sanders

  1. I think he was banned by me.....If you look back 2-3 months ago at a topic started by prodigy from dlm you'll see he posted for this guy because he was having problems or something registering in our forums.


    I warned him a couple times and he didnt even acknowledge the fact that he was dropping f-bombs, he was denying or acting as if he didnt say it.


    Trouble was there when i banned him.

  2. If i ban someone I very rarely uphold the ban for a long period of time, but in this case with all the warnings in the past and with your past behavior i say leave him banned.


    Let him keep his forum privs. until he posts something when he's drunk in the forums.

  3. Some people never learn.



    Xaustin your behavior towards another player was unexcusable. You repeatedly told the guy to "shut up bi***...shut up bi***" after that it was FU....Thats when i went ahead and perm banned you. (pwnage was the name )


    The sad thing is you'll never learn. I personally dont think you should playing here anymore.


    I might as well let this be known here since this topic will be a heavily viewed one. Watch your mouth at all times during the weekend (fri.&sat.) my son plays off-n-on around 11am-til 11pm.

  4. Halftime show was good up until the Ooops-look-my-boob-with-a-pasty-fellout incident happen...not saying i didnt like it, i just felt it was a bad time to flop her boob out.



    IMO i think the artist performed pretty good being it was live and all.


    The person they should've had up there was Hank "Bocephus" Williams Jr...I'm not even a big country fan, but i like to listen to the start of MNF.

  5. Affirmative dennis......guys this topic was about teams in the community participating in cal season 10, that somehow turned into ventrillo, and then for the icing on the cake jeffe posting that draco doesnt hack.....



    Instead it turned into the vent topic ending with draco not hacking.....Try starting over next week Dennis good luck man.


    Jeffe in the future plz try to stay on the topic when you post. Ty


    Topic is now CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. If thats the case moss then i guess im goin to get me 5 maybe 6 people and head to the cpl.


    Anyone who reads this contact me via aim or private message.



    aim name-l33taim


    Must be cal-p or higher.


    looking for sponsors. i got one "gem city hardware" looking for 4 more. Serious posts only guys, im tired of this online talk.


    Sgt.Sanders said he's goin, i need 4 more the xtra player will need to bring some pom-poms. (stepbacks spot if he wants it)

  7. Make sure you wear the bright red lipstick, blonde wig ,and your fuzzy stilleto's...That way i can get you sponsored by Leggs Pantyhoes for your next meet.


    Gl hope it makes you swim faster.

  8. One more thing if you dont hear step talking on vent tonight its cause his jaw and hands are broke for running off at the mouth. It'll be after 7 pm since thats when I'll be arriving at his house. :bang:

  9. Well Bugs it shouldnt even been posted since it was discussed between MwR and myself. I could care less what you guys do this game doesnt mean that much to me. I have more fun getting on trop and listening to Ace talk about how much he owns then trying to get the most frags...

  10. The funny thing about this was as i posted my first reply i asked a Mmmmember to change it to forecamchase after he did it 3 clu members left the server.....



    guys this isnt Cal this is a recreational server its supposed to be fun, its not supposed to be like this.

  11. You can ask anyone in this community how they feel about vent on trop? 10 out of 10 in the cs community would agree that its cheating.


    Bugs you shouldnt even of posted your own clanmate busted you when he turned the volume up at his house. Yet your still in denial admit your guilt son and move on i did til your mate posted.


    You guys can bash me all you want...All we try to do here is make the game as fair as possible yet we have people who we've been gaming with for the past 2 years still trying use anything possibl;e to gain an advantage.


    Dont worry guys pretty soon we prolly wont even have a server to play cs since most of our guild is moving away from the game.

  12. Wow.....I cant believe you would bring this up stepback......Especially since we just talked about this topic last night. The proof was when i was over stepbacks and heard bugs and vain not using but abusing vent or teamspeak on a pub at your house.



    You and Sted might use it fairly but it was clearly being abused by your fellow mates......Dont start this crap in here!!!! Your post was aimed at me for banning your clanmates for 1 hour when they stacked a team on a trop, you shouldve handled this post with a phone call instead of using the forums to voice your opinion on how i handled the issue....


    I guess our server just needs to switch the server to forecamchase, then you can tell your little e-buddies to use vent wherever and whenever they want.


    You even told me you asked the guys to stop using vent on pubs, yet the two nubs in your clan still do. Your damn right i banned them its called ghosting thats just as bad as wallhacking.


    Pretty lame your denying the fact that they use it on pubs or claim to be using it fairly.


    You being one of the older members in your guild you shouldve stood up for the rest of your members not abusing it.


    Oh yeah i did ban all the MwR guys that were on that day if it makes you guys feel any better.

  13. Someone's not telling the truth!!!!!!! I was on as Sw33tt00th ,and before you got killed you were laughing and giggling swearing like a sailor you said "M-frrr would you please stop tking me" in a laughing matter. Playboy youve been here long enough to know what the rules are.

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