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Posts posted by mrX

  1. you should of stocked everythign backwords... so in the isles everything is facing inwards.


    Now that's nice clean fun. Good idea.

  2. If you want a reason not to drink and drive beyond the obvious, just call around to some attorneys and ask what it'll cost to represent you on it. ;)


    Quite possibly the dumbest thing a person can do.

  3. Ironically, this topic made me laugh and the other didn't...


    Me too. :erm:


    Wait a bit on the admin that did this to respond. My guess is that you're not getting it given your comment about the flattery. Or maybe that it's just that you don't know rev (or I guess I should say congregation).


    Anyway, we like to let the admin who did it give the thumbs up. If that takes too long, then the others will decide. Likely you'll be unbanned and asked to follow the rules and be a good sport.

  4. This is easy. Read the rules at the top of the forum. You're pretty apathetic about the whole thing. On top of that, you've yet to provide everything needed for an unban.


    Generally this requires a do-over. Closed.

  5. You may have also been banned for repeatedly calling them a "jerk" in server chat.


    Anyway, the admin that did this should be along shortly. If not, this will get lifted in due time.


    As a side note, I've played along side dengraz in server and never had a problem from him that I can remember.

  6. I had a similar situation occur, although I was just outta my first year and looking for legal work to replace a regular job. The firm that hired me waited till right around finals to confirm. Turned into a clerkship that lasted through the rest of school and was better training than anything learned in class.


    If you're still interested, call him back in the fall. They may very well still have a position open (I'd guess very few students are left now that are looking and qualified). But definitely take the initiative.

  7. NP. I'll, of course, cover the paypal fees. So if you send $50 to me, $50 will go to fatty for RFKC.


    Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover are accepted. Just click the paypal button at http://reynardlaw.com Make sure you put your name/forum alias on there somewhere along with RFKC.


    These are the types of kids I represent pretty much daily and spend a lot of pro bono time on. You really cannot go wrong in helping them out. I personally know how much anything of this sort is appreciated by the kids.

  8. Hows the paying by credit/debit cards without a paypal account set up going?


    How much have we raised so far, have we got an arm and a leg into the camp yet?


    I just sent off an email to paypal to investigate this. I don't really want to set up a webpage to accept payments, but might be useful beyond this....anyways, finding out what is needed. Thanks!


    I believe you have to have your merchant account set up this way, and it costs $20/month. I have my business set up to accept credit cards w/o a paypal account already. If anyone wants to launder it thru there, I'll forward it to fatty. http://reynardlaw.com


    Just sent in a donation also.

  9. This appears to have happened a bit ago. You happen to have a timeline on this?


    Can't pull the logs to notify the admin. If someone doesn't step up and claim it, I'll go ahead and lift it based on your post.


    You play as "LZ" correct? That might ring a bell for the admin.

  10. You use casemaker? Is that to suppliment Lexis/Westlaw, or is it exclusive?


    I use it exclusively as far as research in my office. Have access to westlaw/lexis and a bunch of other stuff at the courthouse. In my practice, I can't justify the expense. And besides that, Casemaker is pretty darn good.

  11. You won't see beer drank from a can or bottle in an American movie unless the particular beer maker paid for the "advertising" in the movie. Heck, that goes for just about anything in the films. Even talk shows like Leno have fallen prey to the advertising during interviews.


    Strange, strange world. Used to be only Nascar drivers had to plug things in interviews. :)

  12. No bans will be handed out without a demo. And even then, it has to be clear. Remember, what you see on your screen isn't always what they are seeing.


    Oh, and as a reminder, this forum is for problems with the servers, i.e. crashes, bugs, reserve/admin issues, etc. Several people are subscribed to this forum so that problems are addressed quickly.

  13. Hahn was arrested April 8, 2005, on a warrant for unrelated crimes. Barring a plea deal, he will soon face trial on 12 counts of first-degree burglary, possession of stolen property and grand theft.


    There's the problem this story is looking to over-look.


    He did the right thing, and probably will never get convicted of the Aitken break-in. It's the rest of his crimes he has to worry about.

  14. It's not going to pop a scarey face out at me is it? :(


    No, it's legit. Just pretty hard. I gave up and looked at the solution. I thought of that at one point, but couldn't get them to fit that way. Good puzzle.

  15. Nice bikes ya got there. They sure can be fun.


    Bike preference is a funny thing to me. It's the lack of sense of humor about them and the defensiveness that can be funny. Just the other day a client called me about a speeding ticket he got on his bike. I jokingly said something along the lines of "I'm not sure I can represent you unless it's a harley." Didn't get a laugh. But got a new client anyway. He explained to me how he races them and such and was all business.


    I ride a harley sportster. Even some harley riders look down on these. But I looked at many other brands and types. Just happened to be in a harley shop and my wife asked how much this particular one was. It had 5 miles on it and was a great deal. Hadn't even planned on buying a bike anytime soon, yet made the deal that night. They prepped it and had it ready for me to take the next day. Biggest purchase on a whim I've ever done.


    I know I've posted pics of mine before, but here it is again:



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