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Posts posted by MaDPaT

  1. As for Tek, I am not gone completely just don't use ventrilo anymore after "more drama plz MP". I talk to people playing on server but see no need to talk to people that are not playing on server.



    Is that a slam...?


    I never said that...I was ridic. Flitter, who was ridic. you because of your statement.


    I was totally in defense of your response...which was..."it's a shame that the GC UT community has gone the way of the dodo..."




    I will miss the times we had. I will try to play more often, but my wifey has a bun in the oven and the times, they are a-changin.


    Not slamming anyone. Just do not use ventrilo or xfire which may promote the appearance that I am gone. Only communicate using in game talk feature with the team I am on.

  2. I thought you asked about jumping to our server and I thought you'd left so I went over there for a while. Then I saw Bush doing the Torlan Marathon but joined right after he left. Then I came back to DW but got interupted by a phone call I had to take. Bush was cleaning up there for sure. It's nice to see he can have fun with some different maps ;) or maybe he's just getting desperate.


    There is still enough activity out there to make it worth playing at least to me. I kept thinking a few night ago when DW had a serious crowd of DW people playing that it would have been nice to have the serious GC players in to give them a spanking!! :stretch::stretch:

    I think there were more noobs on the DW server last night then there were on UMG Torlan, my score was twice that then anyone elses and I never played the map before. :spin2: DW server is either full or dead and some of the maps like tank-me-up I absolutely hate.


    Don't forget that last scrim we had against DW we put them through the spanking machine then they forfeited the TWL match.


    On Deathwarrant, I am like a medium high scorer? If the rest of the gc crowd joins it will be very fun. A DW coco crisp? guy kept on trying to kill my helbender due to the amount of destruction I was visiting on his team. All the heldbender defense experience facing bush, wentz, dark, etc came in handy.

    I have one question, when raptor directly over you how may flack cannon shots kill raptor? What is the point difference with shocker. On foot against raptor I still S(u)ck.


    None of you guys have informed me on helbender tactics against raptors since many of you are in the raptor attacking my helbender. I think now is the time.

  3. Death Warrant had a pretty impressive turn out on their server last evening but the number of servers out there is certainly dwindling...


    DON'T SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!




    All my server favorites except ellesian are very active.


    Servers may be getting smaller in number, but the number of players appears to be the same. Flitter may discount this since he has access to hard data.

    I am now on summer break, I will be playing alot. Saw Bush on UMG last night but no room to join. Cannon what happened to you on Deathwarrent? You were there, then gone, there, then gone.

    How can I kill you if you leave? Do you know how many people I killed honestly looking for you? There were so many DW players on last night I was having flashbacks of Nepenthe with the old crew.


    As for Tek, I am not gone completely just don't use ventrilo anymore after "more drama plz MP". I talk to people playing on server but see no need to talk to people that are not playing on server.

  4. OK Cannonfodder,

    How to kill with avril on omnipotents....


    I think Omnipotents avril is modded to only lock for about 5 seconds. Aim near targets path, fire, wait till gets close, then lock on the B@stard for a kill.


    Only saw you for a bit on DeathWarrantVikings. My team got crucified on that map. I did enjoy shooting you. You manta almost killed me before I got rescued by fellow players. Two on one works for me when I am one of the two. :smillie_smilling:

  5. A lot of gc members that play ut2004 are in school related fields. Teachers or students. Kind of busy this time of year for us. I have been on and not seen many if any other than Cannonfodder. I am typically on Omnipotents, carcass, deathwarrant vikings, utpub, etc.

    We may start up again as a group but then again maybe not. Kill server-save money? Open for business or closed. We have been down this road before. I have been checking post and yours is the first new one in a while for ut2004. You might be right. I have pretty much gone elsewhere for my ut2004 fix.

  6. Hard drive crashed. Loaded everything back and found an old user.ini and nostromo settings. I can only see 4 servers when loading ut2004 for online play. I disabled my norton 360 and can only see those 4 servers. Has ut2004 internet community died or more likely my system needs work? Any suggestions?

  7. My computer crashed. First Tuesday in a long time that I did not play.


    Oh Heck. Where is my user.ini backup file? My nostromo settings!!!!! Where did I put that backup?



    (Have a little pent up aggression)

  8. I'm in tonight if anyone else is - just say the time (otherwise I'll just keep grading...)



    I was playing last tuesday. Did not see anyone so joined Omnipotents. Ping horrible but double powered hellbender's a joy to kill Raptors with one shot and manta's with half shots. I will be on tonight at 9:00 pm EST. on Ellesian.

  9. Oh, hey Tek, I'm playing TAM about every night now, and throw in a round or two of Ons just to keep my vehicle work up. I am more concerned with my DM skills though, so that's why I've been TAMing. Usually most nights around 8 or 9 EST I'll game it up for an hour or two. You're always welcome to join me. Heck, I've been finding servers with OK guys in them lately (last night being the exception) who keep it fairly clean and aren't calling everyone a noob.



    My TAM skillz is teh suck right now. I played so much COD4 in HC mode, that I am used to line of sight kills only and no splash damage or shock combo. Last time I tam'd I got owned.


    Plus, as usual, and I cannot figure this out...my internets does not play well with UT2k4 anymore. It really sucks. The best pings I was getting on Omnipotents the other night was in the 80s.


    Bland. I am going to try to play more, now that I got my computer issues (most) solved and new HDD installed. I still cannot get any chat, other than in game, to work right. Xfire, Vent...nothing. Which would blow for TWL purposes...




    WE gonna have another TWL soon?


    On omnipotents, my ping is about 96 with lag. Nothing is ever perfect. Learn to enjoy the ride.

    I am pretty much at the bottom of the pack compared to our gc elite so you have no pressure to succeed.

    I tend to stay out of everyone's way on Crossfire. In my hellbender, I am lucky to kill anyone since Bush, Wentz, Dark, and Flitter are shredding the opposing team on their way to enemy primary.


    Bush and Wentz were practicing DM skills last night and their scores "weren't to shabby". No pressure huh?

  10. Not many people on the gc server even counting Tuesday and Thursday. Last time played only like 4 gc players and that was a while ago. Any plans on another get together. People post up and it happens. No posting and nobody shows. Here is a post. I am on tonight. Will look to see who is playing around 8-9. If not, I will be on omnipotents using their double powered hellbenders to snipe people to oblivion.

  11. Where were ya Dark??


    Only me, Dingy, and Cannon last night. We need more people. The teams basically revolved around 2 on 1. Dingy mentioned something about liking being the 1 but the games were brutally fast until more pubbers showed up. Missed the GC elite players. Cannon mentioned that I was being "flitter" in enemy primary node suppression, we were definitely dealing with lapse of skill on my team roster if I could be marginally compared to flitter.


    Tuesday & Thursday, remember guys?

  12. Good start last tuesday. Had to learn not to charge people like Flitter all over again. Stay back, hose from a distance, and hope. Not playing you gc guys regularly has given me a false sense of security. Without the server, I have been pretty much reduced to only having to worry about Cannon. Typical play with Cannon is he kills me, I kill him, he kills me, I kill him, he kills me, etc. Notice a pattern? Unlike Flitter on the hill in tank and on foot. I charge and die, I charge and die, I charge and die, etc. Notice new pattern?


    Now the gang is back and I am so low on predator scale that I am loving it. You only improve by playing better opponents.


    Thursday was a poor showing but we were communication that is was unlikely for most of us to meet that day. Much better than the silence....

  13. There is no gc server for ut2004 after ut3 withdrawal from server.

    Some of us would like ut2004 server reinstalled as a stop gap (Tek, Dingy) but seems not enough of us to matter.

    Servers pubbed in do not have acceptable ping for all of us to get together unlike Nepenthe. (Me, Tek, Bush)

    GC Unreal community is now busy with other games and activities. (Lex, Dark, Wentz, Bush)

    GC Unreal forum has been just talk and no relevant information. Non that is really acted upon anyway.


    The final opinion posted by those in charge is that we wait until ut3 gets modded (if) and everyone will come back (to non existent server)?


    Entropy and time are not a good combination for a gaming community.


    I have enjoyed playing with all of you while it lasted.

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