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Everything posted by Reckless

  1. I know my membership is as old as a pair of Hellbound’s socks , but I would like to give my input about the COD4 server. I do not think putting the server on hardcore is going to create the type of server environment we’re looking for. I do have an agenda here and that is A I like normal or stock servers better and B would like to play on a stock server more often because I’m hoping to compete with my team in the stock league. Now with that said, no matter what the GC community decides hardcore or stock, I will be playing on the server with you guys because I enjoy playing with all of you. My personal reasons why I don’t think this server should be hardcore: Hardcore more than others promotes camping, nad spamming and noobtoob spamming. I know there are a lot of very successful hardcore servers out there, but most of them are lots of people in, and lots people out, with little to no respect for the server or the people that play there. We are looking to build a community, a server where we hope top players and squads come to play and have fun and one day join GC. Now I know not all of hardcore servers are like that, I’m just saying in general. p.s if we are going to do hardcore night like hardcore Wednesday’s or hardcore Friday’s I ask that we advertise its so are core players knows what nights to expect it
  2. Yes I got to play it last night 2 or 3 times and it looks cool. To bad I could not kill any one, but that not the maps falt
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  7. (1)de_dust2 (2)de_piranesi (3)de_contra (4)de_russka (5) de_cbble
  8. please let me say. I was not going for a political discussion. If I have upset any one in any way just delete my post. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke O and if this is not a political post then I dont know what is http://www.gamrs.co/forums/in...showtopic=29111 <--
  9. Why? did I say something wrong. A post about fighting for our freedom on a day when our freedom was attacked is out of line, off topic, what?
  10. Could the Islamic Jihadists have known that Americans would react this way to their murderous attack? You know, it doesn't really matter. Planned result or not, the terrorists have much to celebrate. Their hatred of our freedoms caused them to attack, and our love of freedom has become a casualty. Now, here we are, 5 years later. It's September 11, 2006. The offices that were destroyed in the Pentagon are refurnished and reoccupied. The location of the crash of United Flight 93 in Pennsylvania is hallowed ground, and the site of the World Trade Towers has been turned from a clean-up project to a construction project. Physical damage is easily repaired. Not so, the damage to our national mindset. The National Archives of the United States have an interesting little project going on. You can go to the National archives website and virtually sign the Declaration of Independence. You type your name, select a colonial era writing style, and then print out a full color copy of the Declaration with your signature right down there with those of our founding fathers. Before you sign, though, I asked to remember what happened to many of those who actually did sign in 1776. These men pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to the cause of freedom. Their signatures made them traitors in the eyes of the King. Rewards were posted for their capture – and the British armada was waiting offshore. Sign, and risk losing everything? Or not sign and live securely, though not free, under British rule? Would the American people choose the path of liberty today? Would the same people who think that our Bill of Rights goes too far be willing to pledge their lives, their fortune and their honor to fight for freedom above security? Many of the men who signed the Declaration died because of that signature. Others lost their property, their liberty and their families. Do men like that walk among us today? Are we, as Americans, worthy of their sacrifice? Maybe we can spend this 5th anniversary of September 11th honoring those who died and those who protected us. Maybe, just maybe, after today we can try to rededicate ourselves to the same principals that brought us the men and women who put their lives on the line in 1776. America is great because we are free. America is great because those who came before us valued freedom above security. America was attacked because our freedom is a threat to tyrants, religious and otherwise. Are you one of those who profess your willingness, even eagerness, to trade away some of that freedom? Is it security you now seek? Perhaps you should consider those in our society who are truly secure. They live in solitary confinement in some of our prisons. We call them "maximum security prisons" for a reason. What is our choice going to be? Will we chose a secure life overseen by your friendly local government warden, or will we chose the brilliance and uncertainty of freedom? It's September 11th, 2006. It's time to decide.
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