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Posts posted by [Mmmm]NoGood

  1. I agree, I'm definately one who has changed to aim maps to fill it up, but it seems that most of the time the server is doing well we switch to aim maps then never go back to normal maps. After Scoutz its always deagle5 or aim_glocker. I'd like to get back to a rotation of normal maps.

  2. I picked up my Z on Tuesday. It's been a lot of fun so far, Fatty took a picture today maybe he'll post it later. He can also explain his thoughts on how it drives, he scared the crap out of me earlier.

  3. My only thought is to not get one on the small of your back. This is called a stripper tatoo. Sorry if this offendes, but if your girlfriend has one there, she either is a stripper, was a stripper, or will be a stripper. IMHO

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