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Posts posted by Barto

  1. It is my strong belief that homosexuality is an evolutionary development in human kind, designed to check our population. It is well documented that when a species is in so much excess that there are not enough resources for the entire species to thrive, a percentage of the community loses the interest/ability to reproduce sexually to help check the community. The way i figure... They dont do US any harm!! Why not let them live in peace!? We look very harshly down at people who discriminate against people for race or religious belief, but its okay to discriminate for sexual persuasion? Its not like these people choose to be homosexual or not, it's in their genes.


    Frankly, i know a few homosexual guys myself, and they are in general nice and perfectly normal people.

  2. Now that that's done...


    Orbital, forgive me if i say something ignorant :D

    You said that basically what Hinduism did was give everyone a certain number of chances to be reunited with God, but also that your soul keeps reincarnating until you have done enough good to be united with God.


    So... do you ever run out of tries? What happens to your soul if you do? Also, are new souls created? Are old souls destroyed?


    I realize that these questions are very literal, but i would greatly appreciate it if you shared your wisdom with me :)

  3. Playaa... i don't think thats what Orb was trying to say... at all. Read his post more carefully. He's just trying to explain in terms everyone can understand how his religion works. I for one greatly appreciate anyone who takes the time to help me further understand the world!


    Please don't try to instigate fights and flame matchs, thats what gets threads closed.

  4. lmao... i was enjoying a perfectly boring session of Driver's Ed class after school today... in the very back of room 262 (i think) in the history hallway upstairs at GHS... when lo and behold, i look at the white pillar thing on the right side of the room in the very back and what do i see?? |S-T|!!


    Is some |S-T| clannie tagging our school, or is it a freak coincidence? whoever it is, i left a response message on the pillar.

  5. I think that by doing that Bush will set back the progress of medical science many many years, damning people to live and die under the stress of diseases and afflictions that there could be solutions to that can only be revealed through stem cell research. This is an example of paranoid ignorance leading people to make stupid decisions.


    Get a nice, ripe banana, maybe with just a little bit of green at the top but NOT VERY GREEN AT ALL. Grasp it firmly with both hands, and with confidence and in one swift motion, snap the banana in half. As your friends look on in shocked amazement, surprise everyone by simply peeling back the peel and enjoying your completely UNDAMAGED banana!!!!!!!!

  7. Sleepover will make it less likely to pass with parents... i know my parents would think twice about it. My dad does computer stuff for a living his company could loan us several 100 mbit 16 port hubs...

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