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Posts posted by Barto


    I mean seriously! Is this a brutal mob mentality here??? Nothing got turned into something far bigger than nothing and it's really not cool. All I see in this thread is majorly disappointing immaturity in places I wouldn't expect to see it. This is closed, and if anyone ever breathes mention of it again I'll be unhappy.

  2. i am a proud triumph TR3A owner, the old 1950s-60s british touring sports convertibles. theres a car that really has the sports car sound. I should and will record a sample of me redlining the little 2.0 four-banger just so you can experience the REAL sound of a REAL car... and thats not made in some cheap-o big gauge muffler, its all engine baby

  3. The best solution in my eyes is to approach this problem in a way similar to the Japanese. First off, they eliminate guns. There simply are NOT guns in Japan. The only people who posess them are a very select few law enforcement people and some sport shooters with long rifles only who are licensed and registered with the government 9 ways to Sunday.


    But thats an argument for another thread. So don't debate that here, it will just get bogged down and confusing. :D The point is, American prisons are unpleasant on a whole. The vast majority of violent crimes in the USA are repeat offenses. The typical american inmate spends his time in prison getting spiteful and angry, and is released with no job and has to try to assimilate back into the functional society. Generally, the person instead sticks to what they know, and winds up committing more crimes. In Japan, prisoners are helped and treated. They are taught important skills and offered many oppurtunities to become more cultured and knowledgeable while in prison. Upon release they are helped along the way to a new career and it is easy for them to bridge the gap between inmate and honest member of society. The result: A fraction of the crime rate, a TINY fraction of the murders, and everyone is happy. The way i see it, the American system of crime and punishment just doesn't work too well, and Capital Punishment is just another flaw.

  4. simply spend the rest of his life in jail.....

    I don't think thats much of a PRO for many people... I'm not saying that some people don't deserve a part in society, I'm just saying that they may not deserve death...

  5. So who gets to decide? Whos right is it to decide if a person deserves life or death? Where do you draw the line between a capital crime and a non-capital? Who should have that power?



    Besides... what does it do to the person punished? It doesn't grant "closure" or anything like that... the majority of people who have had a person put to death live with a great burden on them... wondering if they were right.


    A lawyer fights in a case, capital or not, to win. Not to find justice. This is the fact with very few exceptions. Its unfortunate, but it's also true... the justice system is flawed. So does someone deserve to die because they cannot afford the strong attorney, or vice versa? You guys are too hasty to judge and condemn people... That leads to murderous, mob mentality. Imagine if by some extenuating circumstances one of your loved ones found themself in a position when they had commited a capital crime... would you still be so eager to judge and damn them?

  6. Against it. We are human beings, all of us, and we are all VERY fallible and capable of error. What right of ours is it to decide who lives and who dies? No one of us has the right to say someone deserves death... it's simply not our place in the universe.


    On a more politically tangible level, you cannot say it is better than having to pay tax dollars to keep the convict alive in prison for life... It costs much more to go through all the trials and what not for the death sentence. Also, just look at what's been happening recently... we've been discovering that a LOT of our convictions onto death row have been wrong... imagine what that would be like, to be arrested and killed for a crime you absolutely did not commit. That has happened many times, and been narrowly avoided many many more times.


    Remember... Judge not lest ye be judged...

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