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Posts posted by Bermudian

  1. Yeah well Bermuda prices have you all beat....Our gas price is $8 a gallon!!!!!!!.....Sucks to be here.



    Well it's not like you have to drive very far on your little island....


    You'd be surprised how much gas we use driving on this island. You see...Bermuda doesn't have straight roads. Also it has a ton of hills so our cars work pretty hard.


    Btw, how're you healing up Bermudian?


    My shoulder is getting better. Still hurts now and again. I played a game of golf on Monday and it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Good sport to stretch it out. Still got me on some strong medicines and steroids.

  2. So i saw this youtube video of this guy who rick rolled his friend using his
    and videotaped the whole thing lol. Epic genius, i love watching this stuff!



    Nice try Nightling.....I've seen this ploy before. I will not click on the link!!!!

  3. Ok guys...


    Since I won tickets to go and see Game 1 of the Finals of Baseball, I'm still wondering where its going to be. With Boston coming back from a 7 to 0 lead was one of the most amazing things I've seen in baseball. I'm really hoping that Boston wins....yes I know there are a few or many of you that truly dislikes Boston but I don't feel like flying all the way to TB.


    I'm excited to see game 6 on Saturday.


    Question is, do you think Boston can pull through?

  4. Well today my brother got a phone call. He's been entering himself in a contest to win tickets to the World Series for baseball.


    Well he's taking me along with him so we're off to New York on the 22nd of October till the 24th. This is going to ROCK!!!!!


    Now..can someone tell me which stadium the World Series is going to be played in as I think its going to be the Yankee Stadium but I do know there are other stadiums around?


    Man this trip is going to be awesome. I've been needing a trip off this rock for sometime now!!

  5. Ok guys I have a really good math problem.


    This is a real 5th grade math problem.

    I'm really good at math so I got it in 2 minutes.


    Lets see if you can figure it out.



    There are 7 girls in a bus.

    Each girl has 7 backpacks.

    In each backpack, there are 7 big cats.

    For every big cat there are 7 little cats.


    Question: How many legs are there in the bus?



    Those that figure it out will get a cookie from me via FedEx :smiling2:

  6. No. I have the 20 GB one back when they first came out, and I haven't had a problem with it. I love my PS3..I've been a fan of the PlayStation since the first one. I would recommend getting the 80GB as you will only be playing the PS3 games.


    When you get it and log onto the PSN network, PM me and i'll add you to my friends list.

  7. Dude..get yourself a PS3 and join me on the multiplayer. Either that or go download Combat Arms. It's a free FPS and I got it a few days ago. So far I'm loving it.

  8. I use to run custom skins for all my weapons and players. Many sound packs for all the weapons and different HUD and I never had a problem with them. Since I joined the TWL team, I've had to get rid of them because they are not allowed. Usually when you get kicked for consistency it will tell you what model or file it is. Let me know which one and I'll help you out.

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