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Posts posted by MetalF0rce

  1. The game seriously does look amazing so far. Bought the art book as well, and as usual the art department for GW is mindblowingly impressive.

  2. Me and my buddy are currently vanquishing every area in the campaigns, among other title grinding to get the Hall of Monuments in Eye of the North completed for the sequel.

  3. I don't think the story is any improved over any other FF really. The only real solid info we get about the world, more on the party, or on more in-game terms and such is from the glossary. Having to pause and read up on things to understand what a Fal'Cie was sort of a buzzkill, since one minute you running from this evil Fal'Cie, and next you fighting to save it.


    The characters seem to be fleshed out enough, but the world just seemed so bland without being to explore it firsthand. Also, got tired of that damn theme song being remixed and replayed for every area.

  4. Loved the first one despite some flaws, so I picked up the 2nd one on launch day. Like L4D, its infinitely better when playing with friends or people online. Campaigns and online battles are pretty fun, although some Chapters in the campaign can be frustratingly mindbreaking hard at times. Ranking up the different playable factions to unlock new costumes, parts, abilities, weapons, etc turned out to be more addicting that I thought it would be.


    As with the first the best moments come with fighting the giant, insect monsters the Akrid. Each campaign has a few mini-boss giant Akrids to kill, but the climax of each campaign always has the one BIG baddie for everyone to team up and try to take down. In particular the massive ungodly sandworm Akrid in the third campaign is an unforgiving monster from hell, but on the positive side you can blow it to hell and back while riding on the armored artillery train. With a giant canon. Yes.

  5. Haven't beaten it yet, only to the part where you reach Gran Pulse, but so far it hasn't felt like a Final Fantasy game to me. FFX may have been linear as well, but you could still run around towns, explore the areas, get a feel for the world. While in FFXIII it just feels like cut scene after cut scene just drops you in another area to run for the marker and repeat.


    Battles are a lot more fun, and even just watching them is a feast for the eyes. But it still just doesn't have the FF-feel that I had hoped for.

  6. Hey all, everytime I try to join the server lately I keep getting is error message:


    Server is enforcing consistency for this file:



    And sadly I am at a bit of a loss of what to do.

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