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Posts posted by ValenAlvern

  1. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/01/21/rust-has-already-earned-55-of-what-garrys-mod-made-in-9-years/?ns_campaign=article-feed&ns_mchannel=ref&ns_source=steam&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0



    "Original As of writing, Rust is winning this round in the eternal battle of the exploration and survival games.

    Which is to say, it's currently beating DayZ in the Steam charts. It's a battle that will likely flip back and forth over

    the next days and months, proving that people really like to be bludgeoned to death with rocks, wrenches and the

    occasional axe. In fact, the game has done so well for Facepunch Studios that, according to founder Garry Newman, it's

    already made nearly 40% 55% of what his previous game, GMod, made in 9 years.

    Oh I didnt know it was those people who are making Rust, with their background and experience, it'll probably be better than DayZ.

  2. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/playism/la-mulana-2


    Pretty sure to mark La-Mulana 2 Kickstarter, today Lu-Mulana is also on sale for 90%, on previous sales (Winter, Autumn) it was only 45%~75%. I would highly suggest getting it. It is a Action Puzzle Adventure Platformer. Steam may not mark it as such, but you DO have to solve a ton of cryptic stuff, if its too hard for a baby such are yourself you can use the Wiki. Im not gonna judge a baby if they have to use a wiki though....you big baby.


    Really, its a great series (Now that La-Mulana 2 is in development and it seems pretty far.), and I would hope anyone that loves a sense of adventure should get it. People say its a Metroidvania game, I call it the only true Indiana Jones game, cause thats what it feels like, minus all the Nazi's thoughs. Every thing is givin to you the player to figure out, you just have to decipher the meanings.


    La-Mulana on Steam 90% Off

  3. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/01/stealth-marketing-microsoft-paying-youtubers-for-xbox-one-mentions/


    Now I dont mind people getting paid for their jobs, I.e reviewers. But paying popular people, who rack in countless countless views, and have a strong demographic I feel is immoral. Their job is to be entertainers. You could over-look this and say dont trust other peoples opinions on things, but I feel this an underhand movement by Microsoft and this shows just how desperate they are. They probably thought if they had someone with a lot of views on YouTube people would go "so-and-so said the Xbox One is good, guess I should buy it".



  4. So I found out the Author is doing a Prequel to the series already, seems it MIGHT be about <spoiler to main series>. Also the Author has said in an Interview that he thought up the story based on his personal fears, and that he wants to do 20 volumes or was it 25. The comic is on about 11 Volumes.


    Shameless bump on the Prequel.

  5. Every time I hear about DDOS attacks I just think, <generic description of a person living in their parents basement> gets mad that they got killed so much in a game that they attack servers related to it. Or at least ones related to the community they got butthurt over.


    Also Speaking of Rust, from what I seen it could be as popular as Minecraft is (in general), though which one of the two will be good DayZ or Rust, they're pretty similar, also 7 Days to Die is gonna bomb. It wont last long looking at it. Theres also that other game with Demons no one talks about too.

  6. Alf, I bet.

    Hey, bee, seedy... Ee! Effigy! Hey, Chai jay, kay? _, ehh... Men, no peek, you! Arrest he, you vee'd! Uh, bull, you, weck's wise, see?

    Hint: Results improved if you use a microphone

    Comment your answer and I'll give you the next hint...

    Nice try, All I had to do was read the first two to know its the Alphabet, the English one.



    26 of em'


    It has something to do with your previous answer...

    L ,12th Letter of the Alphabet.


    26 Letters.

    add those together you get 17, the letter Q.


    Still dont know what this has to do with the image.


    This isnt gonna be some math puzzle I can not begin to comprehend is it?



    Good luck if it is, Im Outtie 5000

    • Like 1
  7. I used to think we needed votekick as an option, but eventually I changed my mind, when I saw it used incorrectly too often. There are certain players who are great with the rules, they were calling votekicks when it was needed, but there are too many others who kick people for the wrong reasons.

    If I remember correctly...

    *Server First Opens*

    *Members can Vote Kick because not enough admins*

    *New members who join vote kick for wrong reasons*

    *New admins join*

    *Vote kick becomes out of control and is removed*

    --- Stopped going on the server for almost a year---

    *Spit and die happens*

    --- Come back for a few days for Presents---

    *Spit and die becomes common phrase*

    --- Uninstalled L4D2---

    *People think it should become a rule, but doesnt*


    The current state of affairs is that L4D2 is starting to loose its luster (It was dead on arrival for me)

  8. Haven't played in forever, but I'll prolly look into getting the expansion.

    I always think "What can make this game better?" Then I remember Diaboobs, and I laugh. Why do they have jiggle physics?

  9. Anyone accuses you of hacking (and you don't, obviously)




    Anyone who says you play <game title> too much and they have more time than you (according to Steam or w/e that logs time played via a profile)



    • Like 1
  10. Sadly my Dog passed away a week before Xmas back in 2010. Ripe old age of 14..roughly, original owner didnt know when he got her. Atleast I got to see her a year before that.

  11. I drew a character a lot in High School that I decide to give him a name. I wanted it to have a strong and powerful presence to it. Valen was chosen as it sounded strong to me (ironically thats the meaning). Alvern was chosen as I wanted something to be catchy, and have a flow with the first name. Also the last name I chose means spring, greening, he is the youngest in his family (though I started out with just him till I built his backstory to have an older brother and a father).


    I just choose it as my online name so it would be easier for my high school buddies to find me (i.e AIM at the time), and it sort of just stuck. Rather I refuse to change it.

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