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Posts posted by ValenAlvern

  1. Me and Biggs have been playing Terraria more. Recently for the Beta of Starbound theyve been doing a lot of rebalancing, they've been rebalancing the beginner stuff. So its to much a hassle to redo a character (the fact there is no delete button yet, last time I checked).


    Next update is gonna be adding planetary stuff, weather and non-breathable atmospheres.


    If youre having doubts about the game, wait till Beta Stages 2 or 3. Its in Stage 1, which is mostly balance and crushing Class A and B bugs (Ones that crash the game). Also the loading time is unbearable on Windows, I dont know about Mac or Linux OS.

  2. renamed Thread to "Starbound Server/Beta Talk"


    Tiy on his twitter account posted a link to up coming updated tonight (They live in the UK)


    Changelog for v. Indignant Koala 11/12/2013
    There are a whole bunch of improvements to balance here, particularly in the early game.
    We aren't wiping characters or worlds, but if you want to experience the proper balance
    you should make a new character/worlds to play it on!
    - Nerf the hell out of birds, they no longer attack you at long range, lower damage, don't follow you forever.
    - Monster projectiles across the board better balanced
    - Shields better balanced
    - Early armors better balanced
    - Melee weapons better balanced
    - Ores better balanced
    -AI improvements
    - you can now craft lanterns (similar to sixxes' lantern mod!)
    - you can now craft a new back armor to help light caves
    - fixed the bubble gun crashing on mouse over
    - improve grass ( Suggestion by Dracyoshi)
    - You are now invincible on your ship (this requires a new character)
    - You need to be hit a lot harder to get knocked back
    - some UI updates
    - Drills now destroy 3x3 blocks
    - Other misc changes
    More coming really soon!








    Some links if you want to know ahead of time the updates.

  3. When looking at a community, no one sees how the people who come and go as the standard, they look at the people who are a part of the community (Members and beyond). If they see members not obeying the rules they probably wouldnt join. In that regard, members who are disobeying the rules regardless how small, should be banned.

  4. Admins and such that have the power to edit this please do so. After an entry, please add a description of the action and *why* we will kick/ban for it.


    If you can't and want to add a few cents than just post a reply. Replies will be deleted after awhile to keep the thread more or less as a stickied single post.


    Note that all of these things can/will result in a kick/ban. Sometimes kick. Sometimes a short ban. Sometimes a forever ban. As with all bans sometimes people get caught in the crossfire. Sorry about that. Just post up in the relevant forum and it'll get taken care of.



    1) Rushing.

    What is it: Not staying with the majority of your teammates; rushing ahead of the group.


    Why is this bad: This is a team game. If you rush ahead the strength of the group is lessened.


    When is it allowed: When your team has no chance of making it to the saferoom and your teammates give you permission to make a run for it.


    Read this for the full version: http://steamcommunit...107329955645529



    2) Camping the safe room at start of game.

    What is it: Staying a long time within the safe room at the start of a round. Anything more than four or five minutes without a legitimate reason is bad.


    Why is this bad: The round will not start unless someone goes outside the safe room.


    Exceptions: In the process of balancing teams, waiting for someone to join to even the teams.


    NOTE: Its a game. Get on with it. even if teams are not balanced, staying in the safe room and complaining about it isn't helping. If it's one of those nights, take the night off and play somewhere else, read a book, etc. But you can't camp this room and grief about it.



    3) Language; Encouraging others to grief, spamming voice/text chat.

    What is it: Seriously. If you don't know our standards perhaps brush up on them?

    Why is it bad: Makes life miserable for everyone else on the server.


    4) Stacking/ Team switching to win

    What is it: Switching to the winning team or team with more players in order to win

    Why is it bad: Makes game less fun for the losing team.

    When is it allowed: When an admin switches you or you move from the winning team to the losing team to balance the game


    Additional rules that apply to all GC servers:

    Respect others by

    * not deriding other players for their shortcomings

    * not whining about other players' success or your own failure

    * not insulting others


    Be polite by

    * not using foul language or pornography

    * not making racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted comments

    * not intentionally disrupting gameplay


    Show sportsmanship by

    * being gracious as a winner and as a loser

    * making an effort to help your team win

    * not exploiting weaknesses in the game to your advantage


    Keep your screen names in line with the above. We'll let a little innuendo slide, sometimes, but generally we'd rather you'd keep it classy.


    Basically? Are you being a dick? If yes, then stop. If no, good job!




    Is [player A] being disrespectful to someone else? Start to Demo. ~>record <name>



  5. Hmmm Theres always posting on the Starbound forums (Both Steam and Official). Maybe something like

    <Starbound Server Banner>

    We here at Gamers Coalition provide a safe and friendly environment for our games/players. Starbound is no exception, you'll be able to invite your kids, friends and family to enjoy our server(s).

    Our Admins are hand picked provided they meet our requirements of being example of how to police the rules our community dictates for everyone.


    <some lists of rules GC enforces>

    <link to GC Starbound Group>

    <link to GC Community Group>


    Provided you follow the rules of our family friendly server, anyone can play on the server. Starbound isnt our first server, we provide(d) servers for the following games as well

    <list of games>

    So join us at the GC Forums and if you enjoy our server(s), apply for membership so you can helps to keeping our players with good quality servers

    <link to GC Forums


    Sorry for me Engrish....comics man...

  6. It entered Beta. Peak Players on Steam: 67,317 (Checked at December 05, 2013 @ 2:19pm MST)


    It will be getting their own servers on release: http://www.multiplaygameservers.com/game-servers/sb-starbound/


    Like Terraria, Starbound is a side-scrolling exploration game. The theme is Space Travel. You can visit what I assume to be infinite amount of planets. I expect it to get very popular, as even in Beta seems to be very tight on how it will play out.


    Im certain at launch Terraria had around 25k~30k so its already doing better with just the beta. Of course a lot of people will probably host their own servers. The only difficulty would be regulating rules if they allow people to still spawn on their own starting planet. Now its a long way from release, but I just want to regulate some talk among Admins/Board Members/GC Members, if they want to add a Starbound Server.


    I just dont know if it can bring in new members or how much the server will cost. With these kinds of games its normally "I just want to play with friends"-attitude for hosting your own server (paid or not), if Minecraft doesnt bring in people, I doubt Starbound will.


    Regardless of these things will/can we get a server? I want to see what the GC community thinks, also to talk about Starbound.


    Important Links:





  7. Surprised no one is asking this, but why didnt you talk to Chick outside the game/forums? I dont see it mentioned anywhere that you did. If you calmly talked to her about it, should probably would have waiver it.


    Also if this gets anymore serious please move it to the members only section.

  8. I feel so ashamed that I left out the best series ever. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I just assume everyone who reads manga or watches anime has seen it. Same for First of the North Star.


    "Brrr, its cold without my mask" I lost it.

  9. I liked the ending, not like they could have showed more that would have been the same. Though there is still some things left open about a few people.


    Also if you like 'The First Step' (Which is about boxing) a Korean Manhwa thats good and follows the same sport is 'Green Boy'.


    A Manga I just started reading is King Golf. Which is about a high school thug that wants to become a golf pro.

  10. 'Skeet Practice' - Kill 4 Hunters as they're pouncing.

    'Skeeter' - Kill 4 Hunters as they're pouncing with headshots.

    'Anti-Smoking'- Kill 4 Smokers before they smoke someone.

    'No Riding Allowed'- Kill 4 Jockeys before they jockey someone.

    'Lead Boots'- Walk through spit without getting incapped for 30 seconds total.

    'He Slimed Me!'- Get a Boomer to bile on you by shoving it repeatedly.

    'Tank Buster'- Kill 3 Tanks within 30 seconds of each other. (So after the first tank dies, you have 30seconds to slay two of them).

    'Apocalypse Survivor'- Get a killing blow on a Hunter, Smoker, Spitter, Jocky, Boomer, Tank, and Witch in a single round.

    'True Apocalypse Survivor'- Get a Killing blow on a Hunter, Smoker, Spitter, Jockey, Boomer, Tank, and Witch in a single round without taking damage from them.

    'Golden Apocalypse Survivor' -Get a Killing blow on a Hunter, Smoker, Spitter, Jockey, Boomer, Tank, and Witch in a single round without taking damage the whole round.

    'Playing on the GC Server'- Welcome and heres an achievement with no points. Also read the rules.

    'Paid Membership'- Thought you'd get an achievement? Noooope. (Still no points).


    'Its Not a Rule'- Live for more than 40 seconds as a Spitter.

    'Wear and Tear"- Spit onto 8 Survivors.



    My achievement ideas, dont know if you'd get them all to work or not.

  11. I'll have to look these up. Any other good ones out there I should look out for?


    Beelzebub, The First Step (a.k.a Fighting Spirit, a.k.a Hajime no Ippo), History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, The World God Only Knows, Freezing (NSFW), Cage of Eden was good and Air Gear as well.


    If you like Super Powers and randomness like Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Onepunch-Man is awesome.

  12. Even though Ive read to current, I still dont know how its gonna end. With the recent chapter it did confirm my theory...slightly. Its probably true.



    Should read Gantz and read /watch HunterxHunter

    hah jokes on you, I just got done doing a 24hr reading marathon of Gantz. Hunter X Hunter is good, too bad the author is always busy, I dont know if it was the same for their other mangas. Ive been reading some good Korean Manhwas, Tower of God and The Breaker/:New Waves. Those are pretty good too.

  13. Finally... my chance to play Aliens: Colonial Marines and not feel guilty about it. Do I know it's going to be pretty bad? Of course. Do I really care since it's $5? Not at all.

    I'd feel guilty because it isnt free. Outsourcing is ALWAYS bad, dont let some lucky gold diamonds say other wise. Its a mucky brown sea of a metaphor you know what I mean.

  14. Like what you did with the Boomer.


    Jockey has 1% to "Buck a Survivor on 'Pounce'", Deals an extra 25 damage. Slightly increase his movement speeds, I think he should be the fastest since hes short and has a lower gravity or what have you.

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