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Posts posted by ValenAlvern

  1. I bought this a few days ago. Its fun, but like most fighting games, I'm not getting anywhere near the online play.

    I got it even though I stopped playing after first week on console. I just want to support MikeZ. Online play isn't bad since they use GGPO.


    One thing I dislike about Online, is that it should force player level. When searching you may pick Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. It seems pointless because I had an Intermediate~Expert play in a Beginner Lobby.

    I actually like their Lobby system, but its broken currently. You can get into a lobby of 8 people, and go 1v1 with each of them as it rotates, and everyone fights at the same time (current patch I believe doesnt work like this yet).


    Also Traning Mode needs an Attack AI (I havent seen one), though their Tutorial is pretty good (They added a 'Play Again' option to it, so you can continually practice the Tutorial).


    Also the Different between Normal Arcade Mode and Hard Arcade Mode is a huge step up. AI starts using Combo Chains, Pushblock and Specials.

  2. ss_6f440fb7725075d2c3b66b41e4e2f2db3eda0dc9.1920x1080.jpg?t=1375807881

    Pre-order it on Steam!

    Crahrazyeh over a year and its been a wild ride.


    Info Drop: Their publisher after at least 2 months of release on consoles got into a lawsuit and got their assets locked (toxic assets), if they wanted to work on the game for PC they would need a new publisher (and slightly new team), they did, Marvelous AQL. Because they wouldnt get money from the console versions they need to a "kickstarter" (they used indieGoGo) so they could actually pay for new staffing and assistance.


    I am glad they are able to make their game to PC. It is a huge hit in Japan, also with the Fighting Tournament Scene (see: EVO).


    Edit: Because of the crowd funding they have planed 5 DLC characters already!

  3. If Valve is making another Left 4 Dead instead of another Half Life again I swear to god I'll make sure Gabe Newell never gets another cheeseburger in his life.

    He only has to buttons on his desk "Cheeseburger" and "Make Half-Life 3"

  4. If the game was about bringing a serum instead of a person. AI Companions are hard to code it'd be and/or are only there for the purpose of driving the story and almost borderline a lego brick that finds stuff for you.


    Also ending is super cliche, kinda hate that, Like Friday Night TV series cliche.


    EDIT: I wonder if TV writers are actually getting jobs in the game industry, it would make a lot of sense.

  5. That gives me an idea for something related... I'm just going to have to see if it's possible/I'm able to pull it off or not.



    An individual player purchase (meaning that a player buy it for themselves) that allows you to open the saferoom door if you're a Tank




    Secret Buy Menu: 30 points to unlock once, and open for all on that map

    Tank Buster: One time buy, allows Tank to punch the Safe Room Open. (Safedoor respawns after 5 minutes)

    Catch me if you Can: One time buy, KARAUZAYH MODE! (everyone is at 5x times normal speed!

    L4D2 4 Kidz: Blood is replace with confetti and guns are now squirtguns and shoot balloons, no one can die



    I wish

  6. Xbox engineer said it was trying to make Steam type for consoles. They failed horribly. Their DRM thing is pants on head dumb, Valve does it 100% times better, heck if Steam started to sell movies, I wouldnt even care.

    • Online check every day to play offline

    Comparing that to Steam, I just have to login without an internet source and still play most of the games that dont require online play.

    • Kinetic is always on, thus XboxOne is always on


    • Can only share games once, and with someone whose been on your friends list for 30 days (rumor)

    30 Day Friends list is the rumor, you can only share a game once. Man remember when Devs didnt care about people sharing games. If you cant share how will they know how it plays? Games is all about Gameplay, I cant understand how the controls feel by reading, hearing or watching, I have to experience it.

    • Can sell back games to retailers only, no more used

    The ONLY good thing, since used games sales is mostly store sales anyways, and they mark it up (get 5$ and mark it up for 30$ used)


    ....Not even once.

    • 15 exclusives of nothing


    • MGS is an Xbox exclusive

    Oh wait, sorry, our mistake (MGS series ever being an exclusive..ever)


    At least Nintendo still shows us games, I just hope they dont continue "WiiU continues to live on First Party only". PS4 is a good alternative, and that pay for online I wouldnt find bad if they increase their security systems on their servers, which from the looks of it they'll do it.


    If you want a console either go WiiU or PS4, I on the other hand might get a WiiU.. that new Super Smash Bros looks AWESOME, you cant deny that.


    PC gamers also have to spend 5-6 times as much as console gamers for their system.

    You can buy a prebuilt PC for 400$ easy that can play some of the new games.. Oh Bioshock Infinite on Medium-High. Gotta love NewEgg

  7. Thanks, just got it cleared. Yeah I do think a lot of it boils down to context too, and definitely it's something that the community as a whole should have a part in.

    Well thats good to hear, I would enjoy seeing your statue/monument/build.


    Back to the topic: Not being a religious person I thought long and hard about what I am about to say. Since Swamp abusively build(?), by "spamming" the swastikas around. I think that:


    A. Any religious items whether it be swastika, holy cross, star of david, or any other holy relic, that was "spammed" in the same manner as Swamp should be considered a form of religious griefing

    B. Swastikas alone should not be attributed to Nazism, it should be only contributed if the colors Red, White and Black exist, or if Hitler or any other Nazi related item/object/person/phrase exist near it.


    I wish to segregate Nazi away from Swastikas as much as possible, so I think B is very fitting for that. Thoughts?

  8. Not to derail, but the symbol used on a buddha build I'm hiding in a mountain is okay though right? If not I'll remove it immediately and figure out something else.

    Since yours is next to the associated religious idol, I do not think anyone will confuse yours.


    Theres nothing "wrong" with what swastika you use, but 90degree and 45degree right-facing swastikas are, as I said associated with Nazism. Just to keep that in mind.


    EDIT: but dont take my word for it, as I am not an admin, but those are my two cents. If Biggs, Chick, or anytother admin or higher ranked says anything, you'll probably be asked to take it down.

  9. I'm sorry that I did this, but i'm not going to kiss butt to try and get back on playing l4d2(assuming flitterkill's post includes l4d2).
    I just want to do something to have the admins that came on during my final moments in this community to forgive me.

    Not saying you should "kiss butt", your actions require consequences, regardless of the intent, whether they be good or bad.


    Every action as a negative and positive reaction. This also a very broad/vague saying, as the positive can be in the form of people who see Biggs sign or your action to change their actions on the server to a positive one, negative in the fact this happened and you were banned for it.


    I am honestly very surprised by this behavior, you struck me as a polite and friendly player in all the interactions I've had with you.

    The Devil has a forked tongue my friend.


    EDIT: Since this a 3d game, its hard to tell which kind of swastika this is


    Since it can be interpreted as both, but for clarity the right-facing swastika


    Is ALWAYS attributed with Nazism for European/English countries. If youre gonna use swastikas of the spiritual kind only the "sacred force" should be acceptable



    Swastikas are a touchy subject of what I described and its up to the board members/owners to set the rules as they see fit on holy and unholy items on the server(s)

  10. What? Not outside in AZ sun at noontime? Grats. Major? ROTC?

    How I describe AZ to friends and family, isnt "The land of the Sun", but "The place where the Sun is your clingy best friend"


    Also Congratulations.

  11. Torchlight II does the same thing as D3 with Randomized Stat Mods. It makes up for this by not limiting the player with Class Locking items, Stat Locking the character (you can put points into your character in TL2 and cant in D3).


    Also Dont see many whites drops in TL2 unlike every Diablo Clones, so Tl2 does it right with Loot-drops, but a lot of people seeing it was overwhelming, because you can end up hoarding for "potential future characters". So there is indeed a down side for having too many options, but I think Titan Quest is probably the best loot drop rates Ive seen, making crappy drops still be plentiful, but still sprinkling in good drops.

  12. I uninstalled after the 2nd week. It became heavily reliant on the AH, in D2 or Diablo Clones have loot thats actually useable in towns and drops. 80% of the drops in d3 where like


    "Oh hey a new sword for my Bar-bar.....150int....Thanks.." And it happen A LOT. At least in clones (didnt play much D2) they dont have weird stat mods on weapons.

  13. Server Maintenance, Usually Valve games are able to stay up since...well they probably n a separate server cluster. Not once have I ever been booted from a Valve Game Server when theyve doin maintenance, but other games that use Steamworks....do.


    Makes sense for Valve to do this anyways since a lot of their games are usually most played.


    When Steam Friends goes down since...uhh 2011? Whenever Dungeon Defenders came out, I'd go here. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=34382197&postcount=585

  14. If I may input my two cents on this: charger dodgeball on the helipad gets played all the time when admins are around. Knowing this, it seems unfair to ban these people for doing it.

    I would only find this acceptable if Admins themselves made a custom vote (which they can last time I checked). If not some Admins need a stern talking to. I last played on the server, was around the time Tirtul first became admin, and every admin (excluding mastro and cake, since I only saw them once) made custom votes for almost everything. If the majority vote failed and they still did this, I would find it unfavorable. If they did this without custom voting, I would have just left as I would have seen it as a big waste of my time I had invested into the server. Came to play a game not watch people do whatever they want to extended time/blow off some steam, because the match was "unfair".


    TL;DR What Admins/Memebers/Players find fun, isn't what GC defines as fun.

    Guns are fun to use, why the heck do we have gun laws, thats no fun.


    The idea to base the game on points in a customized 10v10 is foreign to me, "Are you having fun? Yes>Continue playing, No>Leave". As far as I am concern people who look at points are doing this "Do you have more points? Yes>This fun, No>MY WHOLE TEAM SUCKS!"


    Also Admins use Custom Voting, as this creates a line if its griefing or not. I would have no problem if a majority vote was called and passed.


    P.S: Unknown to me if Jackie changed voting/removed it, but every time you cast a custom vote it says "voting successful" which doesnt mean everyone agreed, it mean everyone voted, look at the results.

  15. So using the train is a bannable offense?

    When specing as Infected its always orange, notice the gun and the pillars, this the second part of the subway, the bit before the stairs where you reach the underground of a warehouse/generator.


    There is no normal means to get up there, its the same as back when L4D1 was out and people abused the layout of maps to bypass a bunch of stuff, Valve sucks at this and just put invisible walls around everyone, or removed objects, or have sucky beta/QA testers (i.e they suck so bad that when porting lad1 maps, some of the existing exploitables still existed/exist).


    The only time I could see using exploitables as okay, is if youre doing single player speedruns or speedrunning with friends, not in a custom servers or regular vs servers.

  16. The best alternative I think, would have to complete overhaul of the send points, and make it a menu like the buy menu




    Will bring up a menu with a list of the players on the current team.

    Since 0 is the last digit on the keyboard (not including the numpad) it would read 1~0

    After clicking a name

    1 Send 1 point

    2. Send 5 points

    3. Send 10 points

    4. Send all points

  17. I rarely play TF2, had it since the Orange Box and only have 108hours in it. The GC didnt populate well. Since its F2P it could be populated now, but get ready for the ban list.


    The reason GC members didnt play on it much (This back before L4D2 server existed), because hardly any even like the game (Myself included). I have a friend who I play with off and on, end up wrecking a whole team (Actually joined his full game and single-handedly captured all 4 points) getting 5 weapons a game then uninstalling because not everyone at least TRIES to play the game. TF2 Heavily suffers from CoD Player Syndrome where a lot players think because they played a Call of Duty game, they can play any FPS.


    Actually got a whole team to rage on a Cart Push map (Gold Rush?) because our team go to the end pretty easily, we hard stopped the team and only got deaths at end of the push, but we hard stopped the team on the reverse play. Didnt even make it past the first point.


    TL;DR? Tf2 isnt a serious game. I have more fun in Gmod honestly.

  18. I don't like weapon spread.

    Thats what happens when you put guns in a multiplayer setting, I still tink CS has some ungoldy spread when watching gun videos. Shotguns normally have a tighter cone shape and not this pyriamid of giza style of spread.

  19. He did not grief
    Anyway, so I was banned from the server for pushing a bot AI over the ledge on the first level of rage harvest.

    Its unknown to people who werent on the server at the time and are unable to few admin forums, if the bot died. Judging that he was banned, it probably did die. This is griefing, if a player where to join and got the bot that had died, it would pretty boring to watch a 15minute game of a single map to not be able to play it. This prohibits another player from playing, inhibits the team of a "fair" game (The other team would have all their players). Just because an Admin could have resurrected bots/players does not entitle you to do whatever you want with it/them and would make rules on the server pointless.

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