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Posts posted by LittleMac

  1. It looks like the playerlimit is messed up on the new server. It won't allow more than 8 human players to join. Error you recieve when 8 people are in the server is: "Human player limit reached 8/8"

  2. Given the use of profanity that Valve put in their game, I feel that there can be a little headroom for swearing on the server as long as it's not directed to anyone in use of putting down people's name, skill, or in general.


    That's my whole view on the profanity issue. This can blow over easily if everyone involved let's bygones be bygones.


    I agree, only thing is with "skill" there are some issues that people are gunna get kicked for. I've had to kick a lot of people for "skill-based" issues. Heck, even your server message says temp ban/kick for people that run ahead and don't help others. If theres no admin and the team has to vote-kick, majority vote is fair enough I think.


    People do a lot of running ahead, going afk/lagging behind, rushing in with tanks without any regard to hp or survivor health status or anything (even when people on the team are trying to help them). And if these people are unresponsive to team communication the team will vote-kick them. Just the nature of the game...it can be very frustrating when you go save a guy only to get smoked right after and he runs away like a bot would or somethin lol.


    You gotta give people a fair chance... but if they prove to be unresponsive/unreliable then they'll prolly get kicked

  3. For chicken: Like I said you shouldn't take it personally. I've played Left 4 Dead since the first one came out and people votekick for their friends...its just unfortunate the way valve made the game that its hard for friends to play together. You just kinda got screwed because you ended up getting in during a level-load, and you took someones spot because of it. This happens literally ALL THE TIME all day on the server (I play everyday.) and you just kinda entered the server at the wrong time.


    None of us are donkey burrows I think you could ask anyone in the server who comes on regularly and they'll tell you we want the server populated and full of good players that know the mods and how to use them correctly.


    I'm glad we can all be mature about it, I'll admit we love to joke around and might say things that are crude/perverted to some, but you gotta realize we don't mean anything by it... (you'd know if we did :D).



    On a side note: Should probably have mods and their usage in the MOTD for new players...that would really help.


    and to Primus:

    To be honest with you it would appear that some things have been loosened up on GC servers. Such as Tsunamis name for starters.


    I think part of the problem is that it seems that Jackie is the only L4D2 admin you guys have, and the fact that there is hardly ever any admins on gets people comfortable without knowing the rules. I've played there almost daily for the past couple months and I haven't ever seen an admin other than Jackie.


    I'll be honest though the laid-back approach to the server is what got me loving it (that and Jackie is a good guy who was havin fun and jokin with us in the server first day we met, and the mods are much more balanced than other servers :D)

    So while I support more policing the server for griefing and such. I generally don't enjoy playing in an "EGO"-mindset server. (I think we can all definitely understand if vulgar names/racism and such weren't allowed though :D)


    And if you guys haven't noticed the server seems to be staying a LOT more populated in the past three or four days (and it hasn't been going down as much :D). So I hope you guys can find some other L4D2 admins to help keep the server active and friendly. (It's full as i'm typing this at like noon!)

  4. Just gunna throw my 2cents in...


    I think it's kind of unfair and probably not standard operating procedure to perma-ban someone based on a single person's perspective (evidence also not in proper context and without investigating the issue further. Jared is a regular and I'm sure a lot of players on the server would vouch for his friendliness and great team-play.


    I guess we could have been more kind to the guy, but you have to understand that we play on the server everyday and get people griefing and team stacking and stuff and it gets tiring and you kinda just deal with them all the same way.

  5. Steam "[VI] mookie.gc" if I'm awake.



    Hey, I added you on steam so you should see my request next time you get on.


    The server always seems to go down right around mid-day like 12pm - 3pm ish. Its down again right now :D.


    hope someone can get it up for later tonight :D

  6. Hi I was playing earlier and the 20man server was pretty full. It crashed and I was just wondering if we could get a restart! Probably gunna hop on that beast tonight :D thanks !

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