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Posts posted by LizardKing

  1. If I get a moment I'll try and reset this thing in the morning - no promise. San has indicated he'd like to chip in so I'm gonna try and get him access to the server (recall this is a gift from TypeFrag and whatever they say goes for security - it is inside their vent farms after all...)


    BTW, I never actually delete the worlds, still have the one before the current one as well. It'll be a new world but cut and paste could still be done later; just drop the stuff in wherever later on.


    that would be great.. Wizard and I put a lot of effort into the last map

  2. I still drop in now and again but it is always empty.. hunger issue was crazy at first, then when only sprinting but now seems to be gone (at least for me). But yea all in all afraid to build anything more atm :/

  3. Yeah clue, you sure you don't want to wait until the 1.8 GC map gets rolling to make that decision? It's gonna be pretty sweet....


    (that is if all the GC folks come back that were on the 1.7 map, been kinda dead around here since the demolition derby)


    I'm sure most of us will be back.. most stopped playing in general around the time the supposed launch for 1.8 was announced

  4. I'm not completely competent when it comes to rtv vs nominate, Mani vs SM etc... but if there was a decent list of maps that the users (and not only the admins) could partake in setting up a vote


    (i.e. from the maps that were listed in the other post regarding admins setting up votes: de_aztec, de_dust2, de_cbble, de_season, de_nuke, de_train, de_inferno, de_cpl_mill, de_cpl_strike, de_russka, de_losttemple_pro, de_contra, de_dust, cs_office, cs_militia, cs_italy, de_piranesi, cs_havana, cs_compound, de_port, de_prodigy etc...)


    and then perhaps a regular vote selection if none of the players partakes in setting up votes (possibly one voted on in the forum like onyx was saying), I think that could help a lot...


    People either complain about redundancy or maps that kill the server... If the players vote for a map but also have a say in which maps they can vote for it seems it might address both issues... would be odd if the map current players vote for drives themselves out of the server, but in that case it seems the regular vote selection would just return and bring people in.

  5. Would like a switch to "Uhuru" plz thank you :)


    I know it's a bit soon but when you have the time can I be switched to LizardKing. The black jokes are getting old (doesn't happen on these forums of course but since I'll be using the LizardKing name in game..) and I guess there is a Star Trek character with my current name lol.. PRETTY sure I'll be sticking with this one :peace:


    Formerly known as iNub and Uhuru

  6. Hi guys I'm still not unbanned. DoM you upset? rofl.

    Here is why I don't give a poop anymore... pardon my french.


    GC is a dying community. Most of the players on the server are AWFUL... I mean like honestly no common sense gameplay wise.

    People make suggestions on how to improve the server and no one takes them into consideration.


    Things that would make GC worth playing on.

    -A new voting system... having the same 7 maps cycle up and being forced to pick a crappy map just because we played the other 3 everytime is stupid.

    -Auto team balance, there needs to be some sort of skill based auto balancing. Far too often do I get the good(hackers) on my team and we just roll kids. I have to swap teams constantly.

    -MORE MAPS... honestly put on league maps and some good custom maps on your normal rotation.

    -RANKING, all the most popular servers have a stats system and thats what keeps people coming back and playing all day.


    Just those 4 things alone would make GC into a great thriving community again... but no one cares anymore it seems.


    Also... DoM stop abusing admin, its one thing to slap someone at the end of a round when everyone is dead or at the beginning... but during gameplay? I hate you :)

    and gl... the rest are fine but mostly lazy or just plain slow at being admins.


    DoM banned me because he is a little girl. And abuses his admin slapping people during gameplay. Also he sucks at css.

    Unban me and such he clearly had no reason to ban me other than MAYBE a few dozen swears at him or something. But

    its mainly because he is a female dog. of sorts.


    Does that mean I'm unbanned yet? Or has DoM not learned his lesson?


    I will agree that map rotation could be improved and that team balancing is lacking but I don't think DoM has abused his admin...

  7. Screw it, let's white-list it.


    If they're getting the IP from here, they can post seeking permission to play. If they get it from GameTracker, well, it says gamerscoalition.com right in the server name. If they get it elsewhere, well, there's a good chance we don't know them and they could be a pain in the butt.



  8. What?? Casey's is older than the internet!!??



    So many updates have been made to the game since that config was last updated that it is now outdated and unlikely to provide any benefit..


    Regarding newer configs and specific CVARs there is a lot of information available at Cadred which you can find pretty easy using the quicksearch feature up top


    Also here is a list of the config files used by top CSS players that you can download: CFG Files (make sure to check the dates of when they were posted where available)

  9. Most of the cvars that effect registration (interpolation, rates, etc.) are configured on the client side.


    This. And it may be why so many people are complaining as they haven't yet adjusted client-side to the recent Valve-induced fun thinking their previous configs are fine. They're probably not.


    Thought: New thread for folks to share pertinent cvars in their client configs and to discuss? As in "I have this and the server plays great". "Well I have this and it plays like crap"






    This is actually a great idea.. I'm on a new rig and have everything back to default minus rates. It would be nice to have a solid thread to go to to help everyone out.

  10. has anyone ever played on a server where someone wasn't complaining about registration? it's an easy scapegoat for someone having a bad night.


    just saying.



    I've played in many servers where no one complains about the registration and the users are well aware of CVARs such as cl_interp etc... Even the times I'm dying a lot at least I'm still landing shots and doing damage. I mean in all fairness the retro server says about every 10 min "please note any registration issues". js...

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